Billing criteria for campaigns

As Search Ads 360 continues to expand its portfolio of supported campaign types, Search Ads 360 is updating its billing criteria for campaign types in an effort to provide a clearer picture of your fees.

Once a new campaign type supports all of the following capabilities in Search Ads 360, you will be billed for them in the next month’s invoice.

  • The new campaign type can be managed (created, edited, or removed) and supports reporting
  • The new campaign type supports Floodlight for measurement
  • The new campaign type supports bid optimization to Floodlight using Search Ads 360 bidder or engine bidder

While you may not necessarily use all of a campaign's capabilities, when you begin running new campaign types, billing for them will start in the next cycle after that campaign type is fully launched and supports all of the above features.

For example:

The New campaign type is expected to launch June 1st. When it launches, campaigns can be created, edited, and deleted, but it doesn’t yet support measurement or bid optimization for Floodlight.

Later, on July 1st, the New campaign fully launches and now supports measurement and bid optimization for Floodlight.

Search Ads 360 will begin billing for the fully launched New campaign on August 1st and charges will be reflected in your September 1st invoice.

Campaign types eligible for billing

The following campaign types are eligible for billing:

  • Search
  • Shopping
  • Performance Max

Create a custom report for campaign spend

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Click Reports from the navigation menu and then click Reports from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click Custom and select a report type. We suggested you go with “Table”.
  4. Click the pencil icon next to “Untitled report” on the left top corner of the page, to add a name to the report.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Click the pencil icon next to “All accounts” to pick between Accounts or Account labels.
  7. Choose a date range from the date range selector and click Apply.
  8. Click the Filter icon to add filters.
  9. Select the filters below to refine by advertising platforms and campaign types to only include billable spend and click Apply:
    • Network (with search partners): Select “Google search”, “Search partners” and “Cross-network”.
    • Account type: Select “Microsoft”, “Google Ads”, “Yahoo! Japan” and “Baidu”.
    • Campaign type: Select “Search”, “Shopping”, and “Performance Max”.
  10. You can search and add the metrics and dimensions from the panel on the right side. Add the metrics mentioned below:
    • For Row:
      • Customer ID
      • Campaign type
    • For Column:
      • Cost
      • Clicks
      • Impr.
      • CTR
      • View-through conv.
  11. You can now view the custom report that is generated for billable media spend for each customer ID.
  12. You can also download the report by clicking the download icon . You can choose the format (for example, .csv, .pdf and so on) in which you want to download your report.

Note: Even with the filters added to the custom report, there are chances that the report may not reflect the billable events. For example:

  • This might happen if the account was linked in the middle of the month as the report shows details for the entire month, including the days when the account was not linked.
  • It is also possible that Search Ads 360 might start billing a certain type of campaign this month, but the report uses the same billable criteria from the previous months.

There could be other time-based changes and billable instances that are not dependent on “Campaign types” and “Network”, which might impact the accuracy of the report. Therefore, you might find data discrepancies between the report in your account and your monthly billing statement.

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