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About Google Ads conversions in Search Ads 360

Google Ads This article applies only to Google Ads accounts in the new Search Ads 360.

Google Ads conversions are actions that you define to measure the success of your Search Ads 360 campaigns. When a user clicks on your ad and takes a desired action on your website, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter, this is considered a conversion.

You can track conversions in Search Ads 360 by creating conversion goals. Conversion goals are specific, measurable actions that you want customers to take on your website. For example, you might create a conversion action for when someone makes a purchase, adds an item to their basket or signs up for a newsletter.

After you've created conversion goals, you can track your conversion data in Search Ads 360. This data can help you measure the performance of your campaigns and make informed decisions about how to improve them.

Benefits of Google Ads conversion tracking

  • Measure the performance of your campaigns: Conversion data can help you measure the performance of your Search Ads 360 campaigns. You can see how many customers are clicking on your ads and taking desired actions on your website. This data can help you determine which campaigns are performing well and which ones need improvement.
  • Optimise your campaigns: Conversion data can help you optimise your Search Ads 360 campaigns. You can use this data to identify areas where you can improve your campaigns: by increasing your bids for keywords that are generating a lot of conversions or by improving your ad copy, for example.
  • Make informed decisions: Conversion data can help you make informed decisions about your Search Ads 360 campaigns. You can use this data to determine which campaigns to invest in, which keywords to target and how to allocate your budget.

Google Ads goals compatibility with Search Ads 360

Account level

Account-level Google Ads goals are designed to optimise performance across your entire Google Ads account. However, Search Ads 360 bidding operates across multiple accounts at either the sub-manager or campaign level, allowing you to set customised bids at scale. As a result, Google Ads account-level goals are incompatible with Search Ads 360 bidding.

Campaign level

You can leverage campaign-level Google Ads goals when using Search Ads 360 bidding. These goals include:

  1. Conversions: Optimise your bids to maximise conversions, such as purchases, sign-ups or downloads.
  2. Conversion value: Focus on driving conversions that have a higher monetary value for your business.
  3. Clicks: Prioritise getting more clicks on your ads, which can be useful for generating website traffic.
  4. Impressions: Aim to increase the visibility of your ads by maximising impressions, which is helpful for building brand awareness.
  5. Return on ad spend (ROAS): Set a target ROAS to balance your advertising costs with the revenue generated from conversions.

Sharing conversion data

Google Ads now offers campaign-level conversion sharing settings. This provides more control over data-sharing preferences. Conversion sharing allows advertisers to share conversion data across multiple campaigns, which can be beneficial for limited conversion volume or similar campaigns.

Disabling conversion sharing keeps conversion data separate for specific campaigns, which may be preferred for distinct data sets or sensitive information.

Using Google Ads goals in Search Ads 360 requires enabling conversion sharing, primarily set at the sub-manager level, affecting all campaigns. However, if a campaign is in a Google Ads ROI bid strategy (for example, CPA, ROAS, max conversions or max conversion value), conversion sharing may not always be active for that particular campaign. In such cases, the optimisation action might be set as 'Use account-default goal settings'.

Conversion sharing in Google Ads conversion tracking goals in Search Ads 360 bidding requires sharing conversions across accounts and campaigns. It can be enabled at the account or campaign level.

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