About adjusting device bids with a Search Ads 360 bid or budget strategy

Applies to Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, Yahoo! JAPAN Ads

The device bid adjustment setting in a Search Ads 360 conversions or value-based budget or bid strategy automatically increases or decreases the base bid for biddable items such as keywords. These settings (except for device bid adjustments with Target CPA bidding) are only for campaigns that don’t use Google Ads auction-time bidding.

Note: The bid adjustments that are automatically set by bid and budget strategies are viewable on the Devices, Audiences, and Locations pages along with manually set bid adjustments.

Changes to bid adjustments are also viewable in the change history report.

Important details

Device bid adjustments are available only for certain types of accounts.

Search Ads 360 budget and bid strategies that are applied to campaigns will set bid adjustments for different devices depending on the client account.

Client account Bid adjustments
Google Ads desktop, mobile, and tablet
Microsoft Advertising desktop, mobile, and tablet
Yahoo! JAPAN Ads mobile
Baidu Not supported
Social client accounts Not supported
In certain cases, a bid strategy might set bid adjustments only for mobile devices and not for desktops and tablets.

If you apply a budget or bid strategy to a campaign and then remove the campaign from the automated strategy, the strategy will no longer consider the performance of the campaign’s biddable items or budget when adjusting device bids.

Setting the device bid adjustment to -100% overrides a bid strategy

If you manually set a campaign or ad group's mobile, desktop, or tablet bid adjustment to decrease by 100%, a bid strategy will no longer set bid adjustments for that device in the campaign or ad group. A setting of -100% indicates that you don't want to target that device. The bid strategy will not automatically set bid adjustments until you manually change the setting to something higher than -100%.

You can’t override a bid or budget strategy’s device bid adjustment. You can clear the device bid adjustment setting in the automated strategy or decrease the adjustment by 100% in a campaign or ad group if you don’t want the strategy to set device bid adjustments.

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