About the search terms report in Search Ads 360

The search terms report displays the search terms that match your keywords and product groups, and trigger ads to appear. Once you understand the search terms that trigger your ads, you can update keywords and product descriptions to better match customer intent.

Search terms report for keywords

If a keyword campaign (manual campaign or inventory keyword campaign) contains broad match or phrase match keywords, some of the search terms entered by customers may differ slightly or significantly from the actual keyword that's in your campaign. You can use the search terms report to view how much the search terms differ from your keywords, and then add new keywords or set negative keywords to better match your campaign to your customers' intent.

Differences in report based on advertising platform

The data you see in the report varies by advertising platform:

  • Google Ads: When you view the search terms report for a Google Ads keyword campaign or ad group, you'll find:
    • The search terms that users entered
    • If you click the View keywords button or segment the report by keyword, you can view the keywords that matched the query, including the keyword text and match type. For example, you might find that a customer searched for "volleyball shoes," and this matched your broad-match "shoes" keyword.
    • Advertising platform metrics and conversions reported by Google Ads conversion tracking. Floodlight conversion data (for example, Actions(SA360 Managed) and Revenue(SA360 Managed) is not available for the search terms report in Google Ads accounts.
  • Microsoft Advertising, Yahoo! JAPAN Ads: When you view the search terms report for a Microsoft Advertising, or Yahoo! JAPAN Ads campaign or ad group, you'll find:
    • The search terms that users entered, unless the search was encrypted. If a search engine encrypts customer searches, the actual search terms that the customer entered are not available to Search Ads 360. For encrypted searches, you'll find “Other queries” instead of the search terms.
    • The keywords that matched the query, including the keyword text and match type.
    • The number of visits recorded by Search Ads 360 for each query, and the Floodlight conversion data associated with each query such as total revenue, number of actions, and so on.
    • Advertising platform metrics are not available for the search terms report in Microsoft Advertising, and Yahoo! JAPAN Ads accounts.

Search terms report for product groups

For Google Shopping campaigns and ad groups, the search terms report shows the queries that match your product groups. You can use the data in the report to do the following:

  • Create negative keywords. Negative keywords can help you reach the most interested customers, reduce your costs, and increase your return on investment. When you add terms as negative keywords, your ad won't show to people searching for those terms.
  • Improve the product descriptions in your inventory feed. Google Ads uses product descriptions to decide how and where to show your ads. You can use the information in the search terms report to make sure that your product descriptions match customer intent, which then helps the engines show your products for relevant searches.

Search terms report at the Google Ads advertising platform level

If you navigate to a Google Ads client account and view the search terms report, you'll find the queries that matched both product groups and keywords (assuming the account contains both Shopping campaigns and keyword campaigns).

If you segment the report by campaign or ad group, you can view which campaign or ad group each product group and keyword belongs to.

If you segment the report by keyword, you'll only find search terms that matched keywords.

Data freshness of search terms report

Google Ads provides updates to the search terms once a day, and Search Ads 360 updates its report as soon as Google Ads does.

For other engines, the report is based on Search Ads 360 visits and is as fresh as other Search Ads 360 and Floodlight aggregated metrics.

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