Copy campaigns and review the results

Copy campaigns

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager or client account that contains the campaigns you want to copy.
  3. Click the Campaigns tab.
  4. Select the source campaigns by clicking the checkbox next to each campaign you want to copy.
    • Note: You can only copy Google Ads campaigns to other client accounts, as well as to Google Ads accounts. You can’t copy campaigns from other clients.
  5. Click Edit, then click Copy.
  6. Navigate to the sub-manager or client account that you’d like to copy the campaigns to.
  7. Click Paste in the toolbar above the reporting table. Or select any campaign, click Edit, then click Paste.
  8. Select the accounts to paste your campaigns to.
  9. To pause any new campaigns that will be created, select Pause new campaigns after pasting.
  10. To adjust the start and end dates of the destination campaigns, select Adjust start and end dates. If you don't adjust the start and end dates, your campaign settings will be based on their original duration.
    • For the “Start date”, select a date.
    • For the “End date”, select “None”, a date, or “Use original duration” to create a duplicate campaign with the same start and end date as the original campaign you selected.
  11. To apply labels to the destination campaigns, click Apply existing labels to pasted campaigns. The new Search Ads 360 doesn’t copy labels from the source campaign to the destination campaign automatically.
  12. Click Paste. The new Search Ads 360 starts copying and updating campaigns. A “Pasting your campaigns” message appears above the reporting table and indicates the status of the copy process.

After copying, the new Search Ads 360 will display errors for any settings that weren’t copied.

Review the copy operation and fix errors

You can review the changes that the new Search Ads 360 made as a result of a copy operation from the Bulk actions page:

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to the sub-manager or client account which initiated the copy operation.
  3. Click Bulk actions in the page menu.
  4. Find a row that contains “Copy campaigns” in the “Description” column. The new Search Ads 360 creates one row each time you copy one or more campaigns.
  5. If the “Status” column contains ”Finished successfully”, all campaigns in the copy operation were successfully copied.

    The “Changes” column indicates the number of items that were copied. For example, if you copied 1 new campaign that contained 1 ad group and 1 keyword, the “Changes” column contains “3 successful”.

    To see details about the items that were copied, click the text in the “Changes” column. The new Search Ads 360 shows a reporting table enumerating each item that was copied.
  6. If the Status column contains ”Failed”, one or more campaigns in the copy operation weren’t successfully copied.

    Note that the new Search Ads 360 will complete the copy operation for any campaigns that don’t encounter errors.

    For campaigns that do encounter errors, the new Search Ads 360 displays errors for you to review.

    To see the items that weren’t copied, click the text in the “Changes” column. In the reporting table, click the Errors tab to see the details of each error that occurred.

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