Set up email preferences for reports

In this article you’ll learn how a manager-level user can control email preferences for reporting at both manager and sub-manager levels.

How it works

  • Previously, manager and sub-manager level users individually set up scheduled reports and rules with email notifications turned on to view the required data for account performance or analysis. You can set the automated rules based on your requirement to make bulk changes on the account. Learn more about how to Manage your automated rules.
  • With this new feature, sub-manager accounts can be the owners of scheduled reports and rules with email notifications. Additionally, email recipients can be assigned from both the manager and sub-manager accounts.
  • For client accounts, users can be assigned from any manager account (MCC), from where the user logs in up to the owner account of the report with email recipients.
  • Manager-level users can add and remove manager level and sub-manager level users from sub-manager level reports and rules. Sub-manager level users can add and remove sub-manager level email recipients. Manager and sub-manager level users can view and remove manager-level email recipients that are recipients of sub-manager level reports and rules.
  • Migrated scheduled reports and rules will leverage this functionality to carry over the email recipients for these reports and rules from the previous SA360.


  • Suppose you’re an agency and own a Manager account (M0) and have 2 users (U1 and U2) under it.
  • Under the manager account (M0) you have 2 sub-manager accounts (M2 and M3).
  • U1 has created 2 reports (R1 and R2), one from the Manager account (M0) (R1) and the other from the sub-manager account (M2) (R2).
  • Under each sub-manager account you have 2 client accounts and 2 users for each sub-manager account.
  • One sub-manager account (M2) has 2 client accounts (C1 and C2) and 2 users (U3 and U4).
  • The other sub-manager account (M3) has 2 client accounts (C3 and C4) and 2 users (U5 and U6).

Manager level user permissions

  • U1 from the above example has created a report (R1) at the manager level and assigned users (U1 and U2) or all users as email recipients for the report.
  • U1 has created another report (R2) owned by the sub-manager account and assigned M0 users (U1 and U2), M2 users (U3 and U4), all M0 users, and all M2 users as email recipients for report (R2) as per requirement.
  • U1 can edit the report (R1) and add or remove the users as email recipients from the manager account level (M0).
  • Similarly U1 can edit the report created from sub-manager account (R2) and also add or remove the users from the manager level or sub-manager level.
  • U1 can separately set up rules and reporting for M0 manager and each sub-manager account M1/M2, that U1 has access to.
Note: Email recipients can unsubscribe from emails to stop receiving the emails notifications. This doesn’t change the email recipient configuration, but it does disable the reporting subscription for the user on the account that owns the report/rule that triggered sending the email. For example, U1 unsubscribes to R2, which disables the U1 preference on M2 for either rules or reports.

Set up email subscriptions from the manager account

Manager-level users can set email subscription permissions for the manager account as well as individual sub-manager accounts. Follow the instructions below to set up the permissions.

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Click the tools and settings icon .
  3. Click Preferences under “Setup”.
  4. Under “Edit preferences”, select the email address from the drop down.
  5. Then update the email settings column as required.

Sub-manager level user permissions

  • U3 created a report (R2) at the sub-manager level and assigned users (U3 and U4) or assigned all the sub-manager level users for the report.
  • U3 can edit the report (R2) owned by M2 and also add or remove users from the sub-manager level and view or remove M0 users that have previously been added, as email recipients, to report (R2).
  • U3 can view the email recipients while editing report (R2) and view emails above the sub-manager level.
  • U3 can remove report (R2), even if it has M0 users as email recipients.
    • Note: Even if the report is created by the Manager level user (U1) under the sub-manager account, the user (U3) should be able to remove the report.
Note: Email recipients can unsubscribe from emails to stop receiving the email notifications. This doesn't change the email recipient configuration, but it does turn off the reporting subscription for the user on the account that owns the report that triggered sending the email.

Set up email subscriptions from the sub-manager account

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Click the tools and settings icon .
  3. Click Preferences.
  4. Under “Edit preferences”, select the email address from the drop down.
  5. Then update the email settings column as required.

Client account-level users permission

  • Users can add individual email recipients from any account that is between the account the user logs into and the account that owns the report.
  • Users can add all users for each MCC account (for example, all M0 users and all M2 users) from any account that is between the account the user logs into and the account that owns the report.
  • Users that log into the account that own the report can add individual email recipients or all users from the account.
  • And also view and remove any email recipients that have previously been added on the report, regardless of the MCC account the users belong to.
Note: Email recipients can unsubscribe from emails to stop receiving the email notifications. This doesn't change the email recipient configuration, but it does turn off the reporting subscription for the user on the account that owns the item that triggered sending the email. Email recipients can manage email subscriptions for each account they have access to from the subscriptions page.

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