About Microsoft Advertising multimedia ads

 This article applies only to Microsoft Advertising accounts in the new Search Ads 360.

Multimedia ads lets you create more engaging ads that combine your visual and text assets to showcase your brands and products to potential customers. Multimedia ads adapt your ad’s headlines, descriptions and images to match potential customers’ search terms.

You can create as many ads in Search Ads 360 as Microsoft Advertising limits allow.


Setting Description References
Final URL(required)

Specifies a page on your site that describes the service or product in the ad.

Start the URL with https:// (or http://) and then enter the rest of the URL.


Business name (required)


The name of the business.

Your business's name may appear in your ad, depending on the ad placement.

Character limit: 25 characters.

Images (required)

Provide images for the ad.

Images must meet the following aspect ratios:

Aspect ratio Minimum dimensions (pixels)
1.91 : 1 703 x 368
1 : 1 470 x 470
4 : 1 608 x 152
1 : 2 470 x 940

At least 1 landscape (1.91:1) image and 1 square (1:1) image are required.

Accepted image file types are: .PNG and .JPEG.

Headlines (required)

Enter headlines for the ad.

Character limit: 30 characters each.

Long headlines (required)

Enter long headlines for the ad.

Character limit: 90 characters each.

Descriptions (required)

Enter descriptions for the ad.

This text will appear below or adjacent to your ad's long or short headline, depending on the ad placement.

Character limit: 90 characters each.


Call to action (required) Select the language and text to be displayed on the call to action button.  
Ad URL options: Tracking template (optional)

If you use a tracking service in addition to Search Ads 360 that requires you to send data to a tracking URL, add the URL to a tracking template.

After you save the ad, Search Ads 360 reformats the tracking template so its own tracking URL comes first and the additional URL comes next.

About tracking URLs in the new Search Ads 360 experience

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