About the Microsoft Network

To expand the reach of your campaigns and ad groups on the Microsoft Advertising platform, your search ads are displayed on the Microsoft Search Network and the Microsoft Audience Network.

The Microsoft Audience Network is referred to as the Microsoft Display Network in Search Ads 360.

The following Microsoft Advertising ad types can appear on the Microsoft Network:

  • Search ads
    • Expanded text ads
    • Responsive search ads
    • Dynamic search ads
  • Product ads
  • Multimedia ads
  • Audience Ads (image and feed-based ads) (not supported in Search Ads 360)
You can't create audience campaigns or target your Microsoft Audience (image-based) Ads to the Microsoft Search or Audience networks in Search Ads 360.

Microsoft Search Network

The Microsoft Search Network includes Bing.com (and sites owned and operated by Bing, such as MSN.com, Bing.de and Bing.co.uk), AOL.com (including sites owned and operated by AOL) and Yahoo.com (including sites owned and operated by Yahoo). The search network also includes other third party websites, owned and operated by Microsoft’s and Yahoo’s syndicated search partners.

Ads in your search campaigns target the Microsoft Search Network automatically. That is, there isn’t a Microsoft Search Network setting.

Microsoft Audience Network

The Microsoft Audience Network includes sites like MSN, Outlook.com, and Microsoft Edge.

In Search Ads 360, you can display expanded text ads and responsive search ads from your Microsoft Advertising search campaigns on the Audience Network. (You can specify an ad format preference for such campaigns in Microsoft Advertising.)

Because an image is required for ads that appear on the Audience Network, the Microsoft Advertising platform will include a stock image or an image extension; with your search ads that appear on Audience Network.

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