Migrate rules and scheduled edits to the new Search Ads 360

Any errors related to rules migration should be reviewed. Rules may need to be edited and re-saved in the new Search Ads 360 to fix.

When you move over to the new Search Ads 360, your active and paused rules and scheduled edits will be migrated from the previous Search Ads 360. You can expect the following timeline:

  • The system schedules your previous Search Ads 360 account for rules migration. You will receive notifications before the migration.
  • The system migrates your rules and scheduled edits.
  • Rules functionality in the previous Search Ads 360 will change.
  Previous Search Ads 360 New Search Ads 360
Migration scheduled
  • Notifications will show prior to migration
  • New rules can be created
  • Legacy rules can be edited
  • Notifications will show prior to migration
  • New rules can be created
  • Legacy rules aren't available
Migration day
  • New rules can't be created
  • Legacy rules shouldn't be edited
  • New rules can be created
  • Legacy rules aren't available yet (they are being migrated)
Migration complete
  • New rules can't be created
  • Rules can't be managed in this interface
  • Any errors related to migration should be reviewed
  • New rules can be created
  • Legacy rules are migrated and available
  • Any errors related to migration should be reviewed. Rules may need to be edited and re-saved to fix.

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