Set data types for your feed

After the initial upload of your dynamic feed into Studio, you are required to set the appropriate data type for each column in the feed. Setting the data types allows Studio to check that the data in the feed is valid whenever you update dynamic content in the future.

A dynamic feed is also called an element once it's uploaded to Studio. Studio names each dynamic feed by taking the name of the spreadsheet and appending the name of the spreadsheet tab. Feel free to edit this name by clicking the Edit hyperlink in the General section of the element properties page.

Before you begin

To set up your feed, you first need to navigate to the element properties page. When you upload a new feed, you'll automatically move to this step after you've selected or imported your content source.

If you're editing data types for an existing feed, navigate to the element properties page:

  1. In Studio, click Dynamic Content and select your advertiser.
  2. In the Manage Data step of the Dynamic Content workflow, under Feeds, click the name of your feed in the Element column.

Set up your feed

  1. ID:  Select the column header name that represents the Unique ID in the feed.
  2. Reporting label:  Select the column header name that represents the reporting label in the feed.

These required columns are automatically available as dimensions in Campaign Manager 360 Dynamic reports.

Special fields (optional)

  1. Default:  Select the column header name that represents the default column in the feed.
  2. Start date / End date: Select the column header names that represent the start date and end date respectively. These selections are only necessary if you're planning to use scheduling in your dynamic creative.
    There are two start and end date targeting options: system time and user time. Review the start and end date flighting strategy kit to determine which option best suits your needs.
  3. Active:  Select the column header name that represents the active column in the feed.

Data types and filters

  1. For each field name, select the appropriate data type in the Field type column. For example, a headline has a field type of Text. Review the list of supported data types to determine which data type to select.
    It is extremely important that you set the correct data types for targeting data types in the Field type column. For example, if you're using a Campaign Manager 360 placement ID targeting strategy, you should select a data type of placement ID for the column in the feed that will contain the placements. You'll notice that the Filterable column is checked when you select a targeting data type.
  2. In the Display column, you can toggle the display setting on or off for each field. As a general rule, any field name that is used by the creative assets must be set to ON. Typically, the only columns that are set to OFF are the ID, reporting label, targeting column(s), and reporting dimension(s). However, it may be useful to switch them to ON if you're doing troubleshooting.
    If you're using dynamic targeting keys, set the display setting to OFF or the preview won't work.
  3. After setting each field to the correct data type, click Transform. You should now see your feed name listed under the Feeds section in the Manage Data step.
  4. In the Quantity column, update the number to reflect the number of rows you want to be pulled from the feed. For example, in the case of a product feed, you can update this number to 2, indicating that you want two rows pulled and displayed in a product carousel.
  5. Click Save and Continue >>

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