As of Q3 2024, the Qwiklabs platform provides support to LTI into labs and courses.
Qwiklabs supports both LTI v1.1 and v1.3 but prefers v1.3 due to it being the current version and it being more secure. LTI is the only SSO mechanism that has a built in option to retrieve student scores.
Minimally, for LTI v1.1, the required metadata (specifically Issuer, Consumer Key, and Consumer Secret) that is partner specific would need to be added to the partner config. For LTI v1.3 be prepared to share a few LTI params that the partner would own/provide (specifically Issuer, JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) URL, OIDC Auth endpoint, and Access token endpoint).
LTI is only supported for Partners and is not yet supported for GCSBO customers.
More details on the LTI integration can be found here.