Updates & Announcements

What's new in Qwiklabs?

April 15, 2024

April 1, 2024

August 8, 2023

March 23, 2023

November 4,  2021

October 19, 2021

April 15, 2024

Start without signing in

It's now easier than ever to start your Cloud learning journey! Skills Boost now enables you start learning without signing in.

As a guest learner, you can watch videos, read documents, and solve quizzes without an account on Skills Boost.

Guest learners cannot take labs, complete courses/learning paths or earn badges. To do so, you must sign in and create an account.

For more information, check out Start without signing in.

April 1, 2024

Claim badges on Credly

To help you showcase your Google Cloud skills, we've partnered with Credly as our new digital badge provider.  Select content on Skills Boost is now eligible for Credly badges.  

Below are some of the things that you can do when you showcase your Google Cloud badges on Credly:

  • Showcase your skills: Easily highlight your accomplishments on LinkedIn, social media, and other professional platforms.
  • Verify your achievement: The digital format offers secure verification, adding credibility to your credential.
  • Explore new opportunities: Gain access to job openings and career insights that are directly relevant to your skills.
  • Unlock exclusive benefits: Discover special offers and learning pathways designed for badge earners like you.

For more information, check out the Google Cloud Skills Boost Credly FAQs. 

August 8, 2023

Launching In Course Discussions

Within the platform, we have a feature within a course to help learners on their journey to acquire digital skills. 

In a course, a learner will be able to 1) ask a question and 2) respond to posted question from another learner in the course.    

We will be following the Community Content Policy to moderate posts and comments associated with the course.   All posts will be evaluated against this policy.   A violation of the content policy will result in the deletion of the content.  


March 23, 2023

UI Rollout

Qwiklabs is rolling out a new UI that focuses the user experience on selecting and completing a learning path. You will now be able to:

  • Select an active learning path that best matches your goals
  • Quickly find what’s up next on your journey
  • Track your overall progress and jump right back in… from anywhere
  • Use the fast switcher to add additional learning paths or change your focus 

Paths as home

The Paths tab is your new homepage in the Qwiklabs app. From here, you’ll always know what’s up next on your learning path, easily diving right back into the action. 

This page will continue to surface your in progress activities and favorites as well. These appear near the top of the Paths tab when you don’t have an active learning path, and below the learning path’s description when you do. 

New: Sticky Progress Bar

 Sticky Progress Bar

The sticky progress bar is an ever present aid to help you stay on top of your current learning focus area: your learning path. Located at the top of nearly every page, you are never more than one glance away from progress and one click away from your next activity.

In addition to visual progress, hovering over the bar will reveal how many learning path activities (labs, quizzes, videos, documents) you have completed.

To the left of the progress bar is your active learning path. It doubles as a fast switcher that allows you to quickly add and/or swap to another learning path. 

The button to the right of your progress bar drops you into the next unfinished activity (lab, quiz, video, document) in your learning path. The next activity may be the Course home page if you have not yet enrolled in the Course, and the Quest’s home page regardless of enrollment status. This button loops until you complete all required activities in your Course or Quest.

New: Up Next

 Up Next

When you have an active learning path, Up next is what you’ll see every time you login to the platform. This section will:

  • Display the next unfinished activity (lab, quiz, video, document, course, quest) in your learning path
  • Provide a brief description of its contents (if one exists)
  • Surface activity metadata such as type and duration
  • Show breadcrumbs to help keep your bearings on where you are

Updated: Learning Path Selection Grid

Learning path selection grid

Instead of subscribing to learning paths, you will now select a path to orient your entire platform experience around. You may select as many as you like but only one will be active at any given time. 

The grid now allows you to:

  • See summary details about a learning path in the new learning path detail card
  • Quickly explore learning paths at a high level to find something that piques your interest

If you are a program participant, learning paths in the program will be marked with a green bubble and be listed first.

Updated: Activity Cards on the Learning Path Details Page

As with the old UI, these cards may be labs, courses, or quests. In the new UI, these cards always display your current progress and provide more details about its content such as:

  • Order within the learning path
  • Metadata including type, duration, and level
  • Description about what the content entails



November 4, 2021

Subscription Price Reduction

The price of a Cloud Skills Boost subscription has been reduced. If you are already a subscriber, you will see the new price reflected on your next charge along with a prorated credit for the remainder of your current subscription period. 


October 19, 2021

My Learning page updates & profile sharing

The “my learning” page has been updated to be called the “profile” page. This new page will be your one stop shop to easily view your activity history, learning path history, and badges earned. It also includes a link for your profile to share with your social network.

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