Custom attributes

It can be useful to add custom attributes to your search result snippet. For example, a product page might feature a dress, which could have a "Designer" attribute and an "Occasion" attribute.

To add a custom attribute, you'll need to create a PageMap in the <head> section of your page. Then create a DataObject for each item you want to appear in your snippet. To create the example shown above, we’ve created a DataObject called publication, with the attributes author, date, and category.

    <DataObject type="publication">
      <Attribute name="author" value="John Tagliabue"/>
      <Attribute name="date" value="March 14, 2009"/>
      <Attribute name="category" value="Business/World Business"/>

You can name your DataObject and attributes anything you like, as long as they make sense for your content. owever, if you're using rich snippets markup in your content, avoid creating DataObjects that clash with the names of rich snippet information types.

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