İstediğiniz sayfa şu anda sizin dilinizde mevcut değil. Sayfanın altından farklı bir dil seçebilir veya Google Chrome'un yerleşik çeviri özelliğini kullanarak istediğiniz web sayfasını tercih ettiğiniz herhangi bir dile anında çevirebilirsiniz.

Choose who can edit your search engine

You can add users for your search engine. Each user must have a valid Google Account.

There are two types of users: Owner and Administrator. Owners can view and edit almost any data associated with their search engines. Owners can also delete their search engines. Administrators you add will have restricted access. They won't be able to:

  • Delete the search engine
  • Add or remove user accounts
  • Access the Ads card in the Overview page.

To add an owner:

  1. From the list of search engines, select the search engine you want to edit.
  2. Under Overview, scroll down to Members.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Type the email address of the person you want to add under "Add member". The email address must be associated with a valid Google Account, or it won't be valid. This will send an email to the user inviting them to contribute to this search engine. They must access the control panel using the Google Account you added to be able to make changes.
  5. Choose Owner as Member role.
  6. Click Add.

To add an administrator:

  1. From the list of search engines, select the search engine you want to edit.
  2. Under Overview, scroll down to Members.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Type the email address of the person you want to add. The email address must be associated with a valid Google Account, or it won't be valid. This will send an email to the user inviting them to contribute to this search engine. They must access the control panel using the Google Account you added to be able to make changes.
  5. Choose Administrator as Member role.
  6. Click Add.

Before an added user can manage a search engine, the user will need to complete a verification and confirmation step.

To verify as an owner:

  1. Access the search engine you wish to help manage. This can be done from the link in the collaboration email or by accessing the engine from the Programmable Search Engine home page.
  2. Under "Verify as an owner for the search engine", select Verify me.

Selecting Remove me as an owner instead will cause your account to be removed as an owner, and you will no longer be able to manage that search engine.

To verify as an administrator:

  1. Access the search engine you wish to help manage. This can be done from the link in the collaboration email or by accessing the engine from the Programmable Search Engine home page.
  2. Under "Verify as an administrator for the search engine", select Verify me.

Selecting Remove me as an administrator instead will cause your account to be removed as an administrator, and you will no longer be able to manage that search engine.

To stop a user from being able to manage your search engine, you will need to remove them. Removing a user doesn't remove any changes made by that user.

To remove an owner or an administrator:

  1. From the list of search engines, select the search engine you want to edit.
  2. Under Overview, scroll down to Members.
  3. Select the user you want to remove, and click Delete.
  4. From "Are you sure that you want to permanently delete the selected member", select Yes.
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