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Change the look and feel of your search engine

You can customize the look and feel of your search box and the results to match your site's layout and design. You have options to select a layout, chose or make your own theme, and disable or enable thumbnails in search results.

Choose a layout for your search engine:

  1. From the list of search engines, select the search engine you want to edit.
  2. Under the Look and Feel section of the menu on the left click the Layout tab.
  3. Select the layout you'd like to use for your search engine. You can choose from 8 layouts for your search results to either overlay over the page, open on a separate page, open in a different column, and more.
    Note: Anytime you change the layout of your search engine, you must update the code snippet for any changes to appear. If you select a layout that separates the search box and results, you'll get two snippets of code: one for the box and one for the results. Make sure you put each where you want that element to go. Also, its visa-versa when you change from a single snippet of code to combined snippets of code. You need to change the code to match your layout. 
  4. Click the blue Get Code box. Then copy the code to paste into your site, replacing the existing code snippet.


To use a premade theme for your search engine:

  1. From the list of search engines, select the search engine you want to edit.
  2.  Under the Look and Feel section of the menu on the left click the Themes tab.
  3. Select the Theme you want to use from the drop down list. You can preview them in the box below.
  4. Click Save to publish the changes.
  5. You can also click Reset to go back to the last saved theme.


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