Jakub Pytlik
Member since 7/6/2021


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Nie ma ich jeszcze :) Lepiej mieć wszystko ogarnięte zawczasu, żeby potem nie pojawił się ten problem w najmniej odpowiedniej chwili.

Czy udało Ci się ustalić coś więcej z supportem Googla?
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Yes, I think planner is the way to go for you :)
Oh, that's right, my bad. Thanks @MosheTLV

This sounds complicated, beyond standard community help in my opinion. Have you tried contacting Google Ads support directly via online chat or email-> Google Ads support.

If not, I think you should write an email and be as specific as possible with all the details.

Unfortunately merging two Google Ads accounts is not possible.

What you can do is create an MCC (Google Ads Manager) account and connect both the same email address. This way, one user can manage both accounts.
You can also try copying the structure of one of the accounts and paste it to another with Google Ads Editor. I wouldn't recommend it though. If they are associated with completely different stores/domains, there will be problems.

Hope it helps :)

In order to redeem your code, you will need to enter a payment method first. Have you done it?
If so, you need to follow these steps:

Hope it helps :)

From what i checked, your domain seems fine. Can you share more information about the problem? Maybe screenshot?
Google Ads12/27/2021

Sure thing, we will help you. Just let us know what seems to be the problem?

Yes, that is correct. Not everyone uses Google Analytics though, good thing you do :)

Good luck!

This is correct, you can only see these specific estimates while creating a new campaign. You can either start a new campaign again or wait for the simulator icon to appear at your first campaign. This can take some time and budget though. More information here -> Estimate your results with bid, budget and target simulators

Also, be sure to check Google Ads Performance Planner.

Hope it helps :)
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Google Ads12/26/2021

Could you please provide more details about your problem?
What kind of campaign are you running?
Have you added a valid payment method in your Google Ads account?

In the meantime, maybe this will help you:


We are a community here, not Google employees. We can only help in certain problems.
Did you go through this workflow already? -> How to fix a suspended account

If so, tell us what it said, so we can help you further. Also be sure to talk to Google Ads support directly via online chat or email in working hours. -> Google Ads support
Google AdSense12/26/2021

Could you please provide more details about your problem?

in order to advertise a secific video, you need to connect Youtube account (with that video uploaded) to Google Ads first. Link

Hope it helps :)

Keep in mind that refunds can take up to 2 weeks for Google to process and additional time for your credit card company to process. Plus we are in the middle of christmas vacation/weekend, which can extend the operation even longer.

More info regarding this matter can be found here -> Requesting refunds - Google Ads
Recommended answer

In case of Google Ads account suspension, best thing you can do is apply here -> How to fix a suspended account.

If it won't work, your best chance is to talk to Google Ads support directly via online chat or email. -> Google Ads support

Everything regarding account suspension can be found under this link -> About Google Ads policy account suspensions.

I hope it helps  :)

If i understand correctly, you already have some kind of "big" remarketing group, like 540 or 360 days and you would like to create a smaller one. In order to accomplish that you need to:
  1. Log into Google Ads.
  2. Click on Tools & Settings in the top right corner.
  3. Click on Audience Manager under the Shared Library section. This is the section where all of your audiences will be housed.
  4. Click on the blue button in the top left corner to create a new audience. Click on Website Visitors to make a Remarketing Audience.
  5. Name your audience.
  6. There are many variations of a remarketing audience you can create. In your case select “Visitors of a Page” to create a remarketing list that targets people who have been to one or more specific URLs.
  7. Specify URL requirements that you would like to target.
  8. To select multiple URL requirements :
    1. Click on OR to select two URLs the user could land on to be added to the audience list (the user has to land on only one of the two URLs)
    2. Click on AND to set two URL requirements the user has to have landed on to be added to the audience list (they need to land on both) 
  9. Next, click on the pre-fill options section. This is where you can tell Google to pre-fill the list with people from the last 14 days - or if you want to start from scratch, begin building the list from the day of audience approval. 
  10. Select membership duration of the audience list. This determines how long a user stays in the audience and when they are removed from it. The maximum duration a user remains in an audience is 540 days from that user meeting the URL requirements. In your case input 14 days.
  11. Create a brief description of the audience for your own organizational purposes. 
  12. Click “Create Audience”. This final step pushes the audience through Google Ads’s approval process (can take up to 24 hours).
  13. The last thing you need to do is apply your new remarketing group to the right campaign.

If you would like to create 14-days dynamic remarketing group let me know. The instruction is a bit different.

Hope it helps :)
Google Ads12/24/2021

Could you please provide more details about your problem?
What kind of campaign are you running?
Have you added a valid payment method in your Google Ads account?

In the meantime, maybe this will help you:


If you do not want your ad to show up on anything regarding warehouse management, I would suggest adding it as broad match. If you would like to expand the exclusion, ad each word separately.

Google Ads12/24/2021

This depends on few factors, one of which is bidding strategy. From Manual CPC bidding to a number of automated bid strategies, Google Ads offers many different ways for you to set your bids. Each is designed to help you achieve a specific business goal.

I think in this case, depending on which of them you are using right now, try to avoid strategies that lower your overall bid, like Maximise Clicks etc. Bid is usually a limiting factor that prevents you from acquiring every view you can, which in this case, I assumed is something you would like to do.

Try it and let me know how it goes :)

Could you please provide more details about your problem?
What kind of campaign are you running?

Also, have you created any kind of conversion tracking in order to view and optimize numbers of conversions your campaigns are acquiring? More on call conversion tracking here -> Track calls from ads - Google Ads

In case of Google Ads account suspension, best thing you can do is apply here -> How to fix a suspended account.

If it won't work, your best chance is to talk to Google Ads support directly via online chat or email. -> Google Ads support

Everything regarding account suspension can be found under this link -> About Google Ads policy account suspensions.

I hope it helps  :)
 Yes, this is very unfortunate. I'm sure Google will do its best to help you solve your problem :)
Jeśli wszystko wydaje się być w porządku, niestety trzeba czekać. Rozumiem, że kontaktowałeś się już bezpośrednio z Googlem przez chat online lub email?
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In case of Google Ads account suspension, best thing you can do is apply here -> How to fix a suspended account.

Everything regarding account suspension can be found under this link -> About Google Ads policy account suspensions.

I hope it helps  :)

Your screenshot shows an adgroup level (not campaign level) which can be still set to "enable" even thought your campaign has been deleted. This doesn't change the fact that your ads are not running anymore.

You surely should be able to create more than that. These are the overall Google Ads limits:

Campaign and ad group limits
  • 10,000 campaigns (includes active and paused campaigns)
  • 20,000 ad groups per campaign
  • 20,000 ad group targeting items per ad group (such as keywords, placements, and audience lists)
Ad limits
  • 300 image/gallery ads
  • 50 text and non-image/gallery ads per ad group
  • 4 million active or paused ads per account
Targeting limits
  • 10,000 location targets (targeted and excluded) per campaign, including up to 500 proximity targets per campaign
  • 11,000 shared budgets per account
Negative keyword limits
  • 20 shared negative keyword lists per account
  • 5,000 keywords per negative keyword list
  • 10,000 negative keywords per campaign

Are you getting any errors? Can you share a screenshot? (without any sensitive data)

this became a common problem lately. There are few things you can try:

Another solution, if you dont really care about the account itself, you can try to cancel it -> Canceling your Google Ads account. This requires you to have access to your account first.

If nothing works, try contacting Google Ads directly via online chat -> Google Ads Support

Hope it helps.
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This is a Google Ads community forum, not a Youtube one. I think you will find more help here -> YouTube Help Community


If you would like to switch your current bank card, the only way to do it is to set up a new payment menthod -> Add a new payment method in Google Ads

If you would like to completely delete your Google Ads account, check this guide -> Requesting refunds - Google Ads

Hope it helps :)
Google Ads12/23/2021
Witaj Andrzej,

Generalnie faktury dotyczące danego miesiąca wystawiane są na początku kolejnego. W tym wypadku fakturę dotycząca listopada powinieneś otrzymać około 5-10 grudnia. Jeśli tak się nie stało, polecam sprawdzenie tego linku -> Jak uzyskać fakturę, wyciąg lub pokwitowanie płatności - Google Ads

Jeśli nie znajdziesz tam odpowiedzi, najlepiej byłoby skontaktować się bezpośrednio z supportem Google Ads -> Skontaktuj się z nami - Google Ads
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Niestety w przypadku tego rodzaju zawieszenia konta, Google nie ma obowiązku określenia dokładnego powodu blokady. Polecam skorzystać z tego workflowu -> Aktywacja zawieszonego konta

Pamiętaj, że Google nie zezwala na remarketing kierowany na Użytkowników stron z opieką medyczną. Dodatkowo polecam zapoznać się z tymi informacjami nt. zasad związanych z reklamą leków i usług medycznych w sieci Google -> Opieka zdrowotna i leki - Google Ads. Możliwe, że jedna z Twoich reklam narusza jedną lub kilka z tych zasad.

Powodem może też być w tym wypadku wcześniejsza blokada na jednym z kont, których używałeś w przeszłości. Czy zdarzały Ci się już wcześniej jakieś blokady koncie MCK lub współdzielonym mailu?
Hello again,

So it seems, yes. We've seen many topics regarding this matter lately. Please contact customer service from your account. That's the only way at this moment.

Yes there is :) First thing you are going to need is a link between your app and Google Ads account -> Link Google Play and Google Ads accounts

Then you will need to set up a remarketing group for users in your app -> Dynamic remarketing for apps setup guide and exclude it from your campaign. This will mostly leave people that only visited your store and did not download your app.

Hope it helps :)
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Indeed, your app is available to install at this point. How long has it been since you added it to Google Play?
Google Ads12/17/2021

If you really do not want "people/bots klicking on your ad searching for that word" I would suggest using Broad match as your main exclusion. More about differences in negative keywords matches:

Recommended answer

Could you please provide more details about your problem?
What kind of campaign are you running?
Have you added a valid payment method in your Google Ads account?

In the meantime, maybe this will help you:

Google Business Profile12/17/2021

Could you please provide more details about your problem?
Are those reviews all coming from the same source/company?
Please attache an example of one of the messages you are getting.
Google Business Profile12/17/2021

If this is regarding your Google My Business account try this:

  1. Sign in to the Google Account you used to sign up for Business Profile.
  2. To find your Business Profile, search Google for your exact business name. You can also search for “my business.”
    • If needed, to manage your Business Profile, select View profile.
  3. On your Business Profile, select Edit profile  More   Business Profile Settings.
  4. Select Advanced settings.
  5. Under "Phone number,” turn on or off Don't show.

Hope it helps :)
Google Business Profile12/10/2021

Please check if Don't show phone number option is turned on. Here's how:

  1. Sign in to the Google Account you used to sign up for Business Profile.
  2. To find your Business Profile, search Google for your exact business name. You can also search for “my business.”
    • If needed, to manage your Business Profile, select View profile.
  3. On your Business Profile, select Edit profile  More   Business Profile Settings.
  4. Select Advanced settings.
  5. Under "Phone number,” turn on or off Don't show.

Hope it helps :)
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You have to know, we are only here to help people in basic problems. We are not official Google employees which is limiting when it comes to situations like this. I think best you can do is to keep trying to contact Google Support. Try calling this number 800 007 229 in working hours.

Could you please provide more details about your problem?
What kind of campaign are you running?
Keep in mind that payments by bank account can take up to 5 days to process.

In the meantime, maybe this will help you:


targeting seems fine. I see it just started today, Google Ads often needs some time to refresh its data. I suggest checking Google Analytics for any campaign sessions today. It's more up to date, than Google Ads when it comes to "same day data".

Could you please provide more details about your problem?
What kind of campaign are you running?
Have you added any kind of targeting to your campaign?

In the meantime, maybe this will help you:

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It depends on few things. First of all I would suggest checking if Keyword Triggered: "medical agency" is set as Broad match. If so, I would suggest lowering its range a bit by setting it as Phrase match.

Using negative keywords is also a good practice in this case. If changing keyword match won't help, i would suggest copying current campaign and creating different negetive keywords on each of them.

More on keyword matching -> About keyword matching options

Hope it helps :)

Could you please provide more details about your problem?
Are you talking about Google Search Ads or Organic Search?
Google Ads12/3/2021

If everything seem to be working correctly, your best chance is to talk to Google support directly via online chat. Have you tried that?

I am sorry to hear that :(

Another solution, if you dont really care about the account itself, you can try to cancel it -> Canceling your Google Ads account. This requires you to have access to your account, do you still have it?
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