Adding your UPC barcodes to your Square POS

Learn how to add UPC barcodes on Square and get your products on Pointy

Pointy integrates with your Square POS by collecting your product barcode numbers and finding an image and description to match each one. Therefore, for Pointy to work well, your Square inventory needs to have associated barcode numbers. These must be manufacturer codes (UPC or EAN codes), rather than codes you have created yourself.

There are three ways to add barcode numbers to your Square POS:

1. Modify An Existing Item

Warning: If you have already entered your own custom-made non-manufacturer barcodes into the SKU section then adding the UPC barcode number will overwrite them. 

Step 1:

  • If you already have products on your Square POS, but have not added your UPC barcodes, simply go to the Item Library in your Items Dashboard and click on the product you'd like to modify.

Step 2:

  • Enter the barcode number into the SKU section using your barcode scanner or by typing the number manually.
  • You can read more about how to edit products here.

2. Create A New Item

Step 1:

  • Go to the items tab in your Square Dashboard.
  • Click on Create Item.

Step 2:

  • Enter the barcode number in the SKU field by scanning it with your barcode scanner or typing it in.

  • You can add other information such as product name and description but these details will not be used on your Pointy Page. We source all of this information through our databases.
  • Read more about how to create items here

3. Import Items

Note: This function is only available on the Online Dashboard

Step 1:

  • Go to the items tab in your Square Dashboard.
  • Download the Square Bulk Upload Template.

Step 2:

  • Enter the product barcode number into the CSV file under the SKU field using your barcode scanner or by typing the number manually.

Step 3:

  • Click on Import Items to upload your CSV file.

You can read more about Pointy for Square Users here.

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