
Currents is no longer available as of July 5, 2023. This content will be removed by December 31, 2023. Learn more.

Stranica koju ste zatražili trenutačno nije dostupna na vašem jeziku. Možete odabrati neki drugi jezik pri dnu stranice ili u trenu prevesti bilo koju web-stranicu na željeni jezik pomoću ugrađene značajke Google Chromea za prijevod.

Delete your Currents profile

Make sure you're signed in to the right account before you delete your profile. It looks like you’re signed out. 

You can delete your Currents profile any time by going to, signing in, and following the instructions on that page. If you see an upgrade page, you don't have a Currents profile.

What happens after you delete your Currents profile

Deleting your Currents profile will not affect certain other Google products, like Search, Gmail, and your Google Account.

To learn more about what happens when you delete your Currents profile, visit the downgrade page. You can see the downgrade page without deleting your profile.

Restore a deleted Currents profile

Deleting your Currents profile is permanent. To use Currents again after deleting your profile, you'll need to create a new profile.

Delete your Google Account

If you want to stop using all Google products that make you sign in, like Gmail and Google Wallet, you can delete your Google Account.

Uninstall the Currents Android app

If you are running Marshmallow and your device manufacturer allows it, you can follow these steps to uninstall apps on your Android device. You can't uninstall the Currents app on some Android devices, but you can disable it.

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