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Sep 5, 2019

Bug in font color of Android 10 pixel launcher google search bar on dark mode?

I update my  pixel 3xl to android 10 lat night and now the google search bar on the home screen seems to have the wrong font color.

to replicate:
   1. enable dark mode
   2. navigate home
   3. use the google search bar at the bottom of the screen
          -  the history will be unreadable since its on black font on dark background
          -  if you start typing you will only see what you have typed, the search prediction  will not be visible because of the same problem

would this be a pixel launcher bug or an android 10 bug or something else?

From a developers view this seems like a quick fix, I don't know how fast these developers are, how long would they take to fix this?
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Recommended Answer
Sep 5, 2019
Hi Nacho,
This does appear to be an issue with using the search embedded in the Pixel Launcher. Please be sure to report it to the developers via Settings > About phone > Send feedback about this device.
Platinum Product Expert AndroiFy recommended this
All Replies (63)
Sep 5, 2019
I'm experiencing the same issue.
Sep 24, 2019
Same, pixel 2, reported
Sep 25, 2019
Had this issue on my pixel 3 and wasn't in the beta. Saw someone else fixed it by joining the beta, so I tried that and it worked for me.
Sep 25, 2019
I also have this issue. I was part of the Android P beta program and everything worked swimmingly; however, upon the full release of Android P, the font colors on the search appliance suddenly changed from white to dark grey and is indistinguishable from the background color.

Google user
Sep 25, 2019
This appears to have been fixed as of the Google search app update today.
Sep 26, 2019
Nope. It just reversed the issues. So instead of unreadable search results i now have unreadable typed search text. See images

....edit... Nevermind...force stop and clear cache appears to have resolved it..
Last edited Sep 26, 2019
Sep 26, 2019
It's fixed. Update the Google app
Sep 26, 2019
Confirm the following method provided by Jan works to solve the issue on Pixel 2XL

Enabling "Override force-dark" in the developer options and then force-stopping the Google app seems to work around the issue.
Sep 26, 2019
Neil's method
It does help me from that annoying problem. 
However, google should deal with it fundamentally.
Sep 26, 2019
Back to normal for me today after the last update of the Google app.
Sep 26, 2019
Issue resolved after latest update of the app.
Oct 10, 2019
I already updated the Google app and I still have the issue. Any help?
Feb 17, 2020
Similar issues since updating my S9+ phone with latest 2 Android 10 updates in Jan and early Feb 2020 but not solved by turning off Dark mode. Google Voice-to-Text alternative suggestions are blank. i can prove that this is because it is a white font on a white box by setting the 'high contrast fonts'visibility for fonts which puts edges round the letters, but this looks terrible in other apps. However, it also proves that in other apps, the fonts are black on black - for example the Google search widget now shows up the outline of 'Say "Hey Google", which had disappeared.

However, there is  no feedback option to Google on my S9+ under about phone, only a 'Contact Us' for Samsung.
Last edited Feb 17, 2020
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