When you call a business and you’re put on hold, you can choose to let your Call Assist wait on hold for you and notify you when the support representative is ready to speak with you. After your call, you can share your audio and transcript to help improve Hold for Me. Learn how Hold for Me keeps your audio data secure.
Check what you need
Hold for Me works on the Pixel 3 and newer models in Australia, Canada, Japan, the UK, and the US. To use Hold for Me, you need the latest version of the Phone app. Hold for Me is only available in Japanese in Japan and in English in Australia, Canada, the UK, and the US.
Important: Hold for Me may not detect every on-hold scenario.
Turn the setting on or off
Important: Once the setting is on, you also have to turn on Hold for Me with each call to let the Call Assist wait on hold for you. Learn how to turn on Hold for Me during a call.
- Open the Phone app
- Tap More
- Tap Hold for Me.
- Turn Hold for Me on or off.
Turn on Hold for Me when you’re on a call
- Hold for Me may not detect when the representative returns to the call in every situation.
- You can’t play music or other audio when Hold For Me is active.
- Take your phone off silent or vibrate only.
- Open the Phone app
- Place a call to a business.
- When you’re placed on hold, tap Hold for me
- While you’re on hold, you’ll find a card on the screen that says “Don’t hang up”.
- When the support representative is ready to speak with you, a prompt will display “Someone’s waiting to talk to you.”
- Tap Return to call.
Share data from your call
Important: Once you send your data, it can’t be undone.
- Open the Phone app
- At the bottom, tap Recents.
- Beneath the call log entry, tap Help us improve
Yes, continue
- If you’d like to leave feedback, type it into the text box.
- Tap Send
Tip: To share your data without sharing your email address, go to the Send Feedback screen next to the “From” field and tap the Down arrow
Google user.