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Google assistant button won't work on a new pixel pen. Can't get the Google assistant button on a new pixel pen to work with the Google pixel book. I can s…
0 Updates 1 Recommended Answer 3 Replies 2 Upvotes
Troubleshoot Pixelbook YouTube voice search not quite working Voice search working fine on Chrome browser. But voice search not quite working on YouTube. Pixelboo… 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 3 Replies 4 Upvotes
Pixel pen doesn't work with assistant Pen doesn't work with Google assistant 0 Updates 1 Recommended Answer 8 Replies 2 Upvotes
something went wrong try again in a few seconds pixelbook pen won't work with assistant for screen context searching 0 Updates 1 Recommended Answer 5 Replies 0 Upvotes
How do I say hey google in my laptop Nothing 0 Updates 1 Recommended Answer 5 Replies 1 Upvote
Ok google suddenly stopped working Ok google voice recognition stopped working suddenly. I tried everything that appears on google's he… 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 3 Replies 0 Upvotes
My Google Assistant is not working on my Pixelbook pen. Is this an issue for anyone else? I have taken out the battery and replaced the tips. It's still not working when I circle something. 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 3 Replies 2 Upvotes
When listening to spotify using jack google assistant comes on to ask what music i want I have turned off google assistant 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 5 Replies 0 Upvotes
please help me get my Google to access my home screen i cant get Google to tell me what's on my screen 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 2 Replies 4 Upvotes
Shortcut of Google Assistant without opening app Without opening app how do to to open Google assistant in shortcut to speak 0 Updates 1 Recommended Answer 4 Replies 9 Upvotes
I want free google credits I want credit at google 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 2 Replies 10 Upvotes
where is the list that plays when I say "play the news"?
When I ask the Assistant to "play the news", it does, but I cannot see the list that it's playing fr… 0 Updates 1 Recommended Answer 5 Replies 3 Upvotes
Mater scee n no good
Mater in screen no good 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 1 Reply 3 Upvotes
Is there Google Assistant on Chromebook? I'm trying to figure out the keyboard key combo for Google Assistant, but I have no clue. The only o… 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 1 Reply 0 Upvotes
The Google assistant keeps appearing with a microphone and three loading dots, how to fix When I say "Ok Google" the Google assistant appears with "Hi, how can I help you" but when I do ask … 0 Updates 1 Recommended Answer 2 Replies 0 Upvotes
Dictation for apps/programs using Pixelbook? Not seeing that option... Greetings, I cannot figure out how to use the dictation option for my new Pixelbook Go. I would like… 0 Updates 2 Recommended Answers 4 Replies 5 Upvotes
Mute / unmute assistant from onebox It is very difficult to turn the assistant mic on and off. This means I generally leave voice off, b… 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 2 Replies 0 Upvotes
My google assistant button is not working on pixelbook When I am activating the Google Assistant, It's not working! 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 2 Replies 2 Upvotes
cannot stop audio warning that managing site disallows google assistant my account administrator disabled google assistant. that is fine except my pixelbook keeps telling m… 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 3 Replies 0 Upvotes
I bought a pixelbook and it was configured in Spanish, but when I want to use the google assistant, I bought a pixelbook and it was configured in Spanish, but when I want to use the google assistant, … 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 2 Replies 0 Upvotes
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