There are tools available to upload and search hundreds of thousands of documents, images, emails, hand-written notes, and audio files for specific words or phrases, locations, organizations, and people.
My Workspace
This shows all accessible private groups of published collections that you either own or others share with you. To get to My Workspace, go to Pinpoint.
An archive of public collections that provides valuable information for research. To search for specific collections:
- Type in the top search bar or expand the organization dropdown menu.
- Choose an organization.
- To add your collections to Explore, go to Pinpoint.
Tip: The search function currently only applies to collection names and descriptions but not collection or document content.
To get there:
- Go to Pinpoint.
- On the 'My Workspace' page, in the public collection section, click Explore all.
The Documents view
The Documents view is the home page for a specific collection, and where you'll manage and search your collection.
The default Documents view shows all documents in the collection. You can add filters to show documents that have all the selected entities and or labels.
To get there:
- From the collections page, click into a collection.
- If you view an individual document, click Back arrow
- To see the full document list for a collection, remove all search terms and filters from the search results.
Entities & labels list
Entities are people, places, or organizations that are known concepts to Google. For example, the entity "Florida" would show documents that mention Miami, Dade County, FL, Fla, or similar. The Documents view includes lists of entities found in the documents, as well as a list of all labels applied to the listed documents.
The entity list shows known entities found in all the documents, unless mentioned only once or twice across the entire collection. There can be up to 500 entities listed in a collection.
Select entities or labels to show only documents that contain all the selected labels and entities. As you filter, the label and entity lists adjust to show only labels or entities present in the current list. To remove entity or label filters, next to the entity or filter, click the X. To see the list, you can find it in the Documents view, as well as any search results list.
Search & search results view
To search a collection, type search terms at the top of the Documents view and apply filters.
When you search for terms, the search results page will show a page of search results a bit similar to Google Search results.
To return to the Documents view from search results, click Back arrow .
Single document view
When you upload a source file, Pinpoint creates a PDF version of that document. To see the PDF version, click a document in your documents list or search results list. Any searches you perform are against these PDF versions, not the original source file.
To return to search results or the document list, click Back arrow .