Product updates

Here is a list of feature updates to Pinpoint. A few features do not affect documents uploaded before the feature was added. If you want non-backwards-compatible features for an older document, you must create a new collection, or delete and reupload the document.


August 22: Filter by date range

August 16: Extract structured data (beta)

29 June: Editor role

May 23: Publish collections on Pinpoint

23 February: UI localisation (Localisation support for the Pinpoint UI)

15 February: New Terms of Service (New Terms of Service to support content hub)


5 December: File rename (Allow users to rename a file that they uploaded to Pinpoint)

21 September: Docs/Slides supported (Files converted to static PDF format)

14 September: Video transcription support (Audio extracted and transcribed, video not stored)

2 August: Edit transcription

1 August: Audio language support (users can now transcribe audio files in more languages – Ukrainian, Turkish, Czech and Indonesian)

15 April: OGG audio file support

21 March: Bulk delete: Users can delete multiple selected files from their collection

2 March: Document labels: Users can classify documents by labels, and later filter documents by label values


16 November: Highlights: Users can mark text sections within documents, and highlights also have a dedicated URL pointing to them

16 November: Select and copy text from a document

29 August: Workspace account support: Users in Workspace organisations can now sign in with their work emails

13 April: Extended audio formats: Better encoding support and addition of MP4, M4A, Windows Media Player (WMA), AAC, AIFF and RealAudio

4 April: Delete document: Allowing users to delete single documents from their collections

22 March: Entities language support: Users can select the display language for entities out of list of ±65 languages

22 March: Audio language support: Users can transcribe audio files in 10 additional languages: English UK/AU, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Dutch and Hebrew

27 January: Audio transcription download: Users can download a .txt file with the transcript of their uploaded audio files

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