Roles and permissions

Pinpoint supports 3 roles:

  • Owner
  • Editor
  • Viewer

Important: In shared collections, uploaded files are managed by the collection owner. For example, if an editor uploads a file to a shared collection, the file is then owned by the collection owner.

Pinpoint roles


  • Can create, delete, view, download, rename, edit and publish files/collections.
  • Can create, delete, view, apply and unapply labels.
  • Can create, delete and view highlights.
  • Own files that they upload.
  • Can add collaborators and change collaborator access levels.
  • Can access documents in Takeout.


  • Can create, delete, view, download, rename and edit files.
  • Can create, delete, view, apply and unapply labels.
  • Can create, delete and view highlights.
  • If an editor leaves a collection, their documents and highlights remain.
  • Can add collaborators and change collaborator access levels.
  • Added collaborators default to an editor role.


  • Can view and download files.
  • Can view labels and highlights.

Pinpoint access

Full access allows you to:

  • Do all supported actions in documents or collections.
  • Users must have full access to be owners or editors of a collection.

View-only access allows you to:

  • Search, select and copy text.
  • Download original files and audio transcriptions.
  • Follow highlight links in a collection.

Tips: Learn how to share access to your collection.

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