요청한 페이지는 현재 사용 중인 언어로 제공되지 않습니다. 페이지 하단에서 다른 언어를 선택하거나 Chrome에서 기본 제공되는 번역 기능을 사용해 웹페이지를 원하는 언어로 바로 번역할 수 있습니다.

Get started with your own collection

  1. You must have full access to Pinpoint in order to create a new collection.
  2. Click Create a new private collection in the Pinpoint workspace. If you don't have full access to Pinpoint, you will be redirected to a form requesting full access.
  3. Name the collection. (You can change the name later, if you want.)
  4. Start adding files from the Documents view in your new collection. Files can be text, image, audio, and more. You can upload files individually or in a batch. See the full list of supported document types and upload details. Before uploading audio files, read these important guidelines.
  5. Pinpoint must process an uploaded file in order to be available for searching. Depending on the size and number of files, processing can take up to 24 hours. Non-audio files are converted to PDF and scanned with OCR (optical character recognition) to look for text. Audio files are analyzed and transcribed, and the transcription is posted as PDF. Files are available in your file list as they are processed.
  6. Optionally label your files into appropriate groups to help organize them or to restrict your queries to files with a specific label.
  7. If you prefer to see location and other entity names in a language other than your default language, change your entity display language.
  8. Try out some searches. Learn more about how search works, and advanced search features.
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