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Security and privacy

Google was founded on the belief that everything we do should always respect the user. As the Internet evolves, this means continuously advancing our security technologies. Industry-leading privacy and security technologies are built into all of our products, including Pinpoint. Read more in Google Safety Center.

The Google privacy team participates in every product launch, reviewing design documentation and performing code reviews to ensure that privacy requirements are followed. We also follow a rigid process for responding to any government requests for customer data. We disclose information about the number and type of requests we receive from governments through the Google Transparency Report.

Where data is stored

When creating a collection in Pinpoint, you are requested to specify the data that you would like the collection to include. This is done by selecting files and/or folders in Drive as well as files from your computer. Pinpoint then fetches the data from the files and folders (including subfolders) that were specified. Note that Pinpoint copies the file contents, which means that the original files and folders remain untouched.


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