
Picasa & Picasa Web Albums are no longer supported. Learn more

Uninstall Picasa

To uninstall Picasa, choose your operating system and follow the steps.

  1. On your computer taskbar, click Start.
  2. Select All Programs > Picasa > Uninstall.
  3. In the confirmation window, click Uninstall.
  4. To remove your database and permanently remove Picasa, click Yes. If you plan to reinstall, click No.
  5. Click Finish.
  1. From the Applications folder, drag Picasa to the trash.
  2. To remove your database and Picasa permanently:
    1. Open Finder.
    2. Go to [username] > Library.
    3. Double-click Application Support > Google > Picasa 3.
    4. In the Picasa 3 folder, locate "db3."
    5. Drag "db3" into the trash.

If you want to maintain your edits, export your photos.

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