Síðan sem þú baðst um er ekki í boði á þínu tungumáli sem stendur. Þú getur valið annað tungumál neðst á síðunni eða skyndiþýtt hvaða vefsíðu sem er yfir á tungumál að eigin vali með því að nota innbyggðan þýðingareiginleika Google Chrome.

Download photos or videos to your device

You can copy your photos and videos to your device.

Download your photos or videos

Important: If the photo is already on your device, this option won’t appear.
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Photos app Photos.
  2. Select a photo or video.
  3. Tap More More and then Download.

Tip: If you have trouble sharing a downloaded video through other apps, try the following:

  • Convert the video into a format that is compatible with the app you use to share. To find compatible formats, check the app’s specifications.
  • Share a Photos link to the video. Learn how to share photos and videos.

Download all photos or videos

Learn how to export and download your Google Photos data.

Tip: To move all your photos to a different Google Account, download all your photos and upload them to the new Google Account in Google Photos. Learn how to add photos and videos to Google Photos.

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