Search by people, things and places in your photos

Search your photos for anything. For example, you can search for:

  • A wedding that you attended last summer
  • Your best friend
  • A pet
  • Your favourite city

You can also use Search to find different features and collections in Google Photos, like 'People and pets', 'Albums', 'Documents' and more.

Important: Some features aren't available in all geographic regions, all domains or all account types.

Search your photos

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. In the box at the top, enter what you want to find; for example:
    • London
    • A name or nickname, if you've labelled people or pets.


  • To more easily search and manage your photos, you can apply a label to people or pets that appear in photos grouped by Google Photos. Learn how to set up Face Groups.
  • You can also access some collections from the side navigation panel, like People and pets, Documents, Places, Videos and more.

Related resources

Can't find your photos? Get help finding photos.

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