JB@~Cut-prices~)What is the cheapest day to book a 饾棟饾棽饾榿饾棔饾椆饾槀饾棽 饾棾饾椆饾椂饾棿饾椀饾榿?-Official^^support
For 饾棟饾棽饾榿饾棔饾椆饾槀饾棽 , 锛戯几锛橈紩锛曪几锛楋紦锛橈几锛旓紥锛栵紩 Tuesday is often considered the best day to find the cheapest fares 锛戯几锛橈紩锛曪几锛楋紦锛橈几锛旓紥锛栵紩 饾暚饾枎饾枟饾枒饾枎饾枔饾枈饾枠 typically update their pricing early in the week 锛戯几锛橈紩锛曪几锛楋紦锛橈几锛旓紥锛栵紩 , making Tuesday a prime day to lock in lower fares before prices increase closer to the weekend 锛戯几锛橈紩锛曪几锛楋紦锛橈几锛旓紥锛栵紩