Block or unblock a phone number

If you don’t want to get calls from a certain phone number, you can block it. When the number tries to call you, your phone declines the call automatically.

Important: Some of these steps only work on Android 6.0 and up. Learn how to check your Android version.

Block a number

  1. Open your Phone app .
  2. Tap More More and then Call history .
  3. Tap a call from the number you want to block.
  4. Tap Block / report spam.

Tip: If visual voicemail is on, blocked callers cannot leave voicemails.  Learn how to turn on visual voicemail.

Block unknown numbers

  1. Open your Phone app .
  2. Tap More More.
  3. Tap Settings and then Blocked numbers.
  4. Turn on Unknown.

This will block calls from private or unidentified numbers.  You will still receive calls from phone numbers that are not stored in your contacts. 

Unblock a number

  1. Open your Phone app .
  2. Tap More More.
  3. Tap Settings and then Blocked numbers.
  4. Next to the number you want to unblock, tap Clear Clear and then Unblock.

Tip: Any calls you got from the number while it was blocked won't show in your call history.

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