Cancel customer subscriptions

Google Play subscriptions can only be cancelled through Google Play Developer Console.

Chrome Web Store subscriptions can be cancelled through your payments profile

Here's how to cancel a Chrome Web Store subscription:

  1. Sign in to the payments profile.
  2. Click Customer orders.
  3. Click the line of any subscription that you want to cancel.
  4. In the panel that opens, click Cancel subscription, or scroll down and click View full page to see the customer's order history and more details.
  5. On the next screen, click Cancel subscription again.
  6. Click Down arrow Down arrow and select the appropriate refund reason for the cancelled subscription.
  7. Add a message to the customer, if needed. These comments will appear in the customer's profile.
    Note: To protect their privacy and security, we don't provide merchants with customer emails or other contact info, so adding comments is the only way to communicate with customers unless they contact you directly.   
  8. Click Cancel subscription to finish.

If you need help, please contact us.

Note: Merchants set their own cancellation policies. To request cancellations, customers contact merchants directly.

Cancellation tips

When you cancel a subscription, keep the following in mind:

  • After you cancel a subscription, no future orders will be charged.
  • You'll see a cancelled order status on the order details page.
  • After you cancel a subscription, you cannot restart it.
  • Google will send an email to the customer to let them know that their subscription is cancelled.
Google Play Store customers can cancel their own orders within 2 hours of purchase. After they cancel an order, the customer cannot use the purchased app on their device, and they'll see a cancellation on the 'Customer orders' page of their payments profile. Learn more about refunds and returns.

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Welcome to the new Google payments centre help experience! You can now find support for both sellers and business consumers in one place. Learn more about what's new.

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