Choose which offers to get

Google Pay sends you offers from merchants that you’ve paid.

View your offers

  1. Open Google Pay .
  2. Scroll to find the “Offers & Rewards” section.
  3. Tap Offers.
  4. Scroll to find your offers.

Get nearby offers

To get offers from merchants near you, turn on your device’s location.

If you turn off your device’s location, you will get offers available across India.

Stop getting offers from a merchant

  1. Open Google Pay .
  2. From the bottom of the screen, swipe up.
  3. Tap the merchant that you don't want offers from anymore.
  4. Tap More and then Pause offer updates.

See offer rules

To view the rules of offers on Google Pay, read our terms and conditions. Your eligibility will be subject to the combined Google Pay Terms including the Google Pay Contest Rules.

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