Verify Networks

New Supplier Qualification

By default, new Orion suppliers can only accept connections from the Orion test app and select small-volume Orion buyers.

The Orion team reviews all new suppliers, and will contact you after you have completed initial testing. Once this is complete, you Networks may be eligible for select high-volume Orion buyers.

If you have not received any contact from the Orion team within 5 business days of your first successful network test, contact

Troubleshooting Networks

You can view the last connection time for each Network by going to Orion Supplier portal >  Network Verification.

If you notice that there have not been any recent connections to a network, this could be for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Price per GB is above the buyer's threshold.

  2. Speed of the network is below the buyer's threshold.

  3. Speed of the network is unknown.

To resolve these issues you can take the following actions:

  • For Speed, run additional speed tests with the Orion Network Verification App.
  • For Price, you can consider updating the sell price-per-gb for the impacted venues. You can also visit the Orion Pricing and Payments tab to set a new default price for all current (or future) added venues.

For further information and troubleshooting steps, please contact

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