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Install the Orion test app

Orion Network Verification app 

Note:  The Orion Network Verification app is currently in limited beta.
Complete this form to request access within 1 business day.

With the Orion Network Verification app, your Android or iOS device can:

  • Automatically connect to your Orion test network
  • Run speed tests on your network to qualify its performance
  • Maximize your traffic on Orion as quickly as possible

Follow the steps below to install the app and set up your test profile.



Request access to the app.  Within 1 business day you should receive an email invitation to the beta program.

  1. Download Orion Wi-Fi Network Verification from the Play Store
  2. Launch the Orion Wi-Fi app
  3. Tap Install Profile
  4. When prompted, Allow the app to suggest Wi-Fi networks
  5. You should see "Orion profile successfully installed!" - tap OK

Your device is now configured with an Orion test profile, and should connect to any Orion networks nearby.

Note:  If your test device is on an existing Wi-Fi network, disconnect from it before testing Orion.



Request access to the app.  Within 1 business day you should receive an invitation email from TestFlight.  TestFlight is Apple's App Store for beta testing apps.

  1. Install TestFlight on your test device
  2. From TestFlight, install the Orion Network Verify app
  3. Open the Orion app
  4. "From the Developer" prompt: 
    1. Tap Next
    2. Tap Start Testing
  5. "Orion Wi-Fi Network Verify" prompt:
    1. Tap Continue
  6. Tap Options
  7. Install Test Profile
  8. "Orion Wi-Fi Network Verify" Wants to Add a Wi-Fi Hotspot Network?
    1. Allow

Your device is now configured with an Orion test profile, and should connect to any Orion networks nearby.


Note:  If your test device is on an existing Wi-Fi network, disconnect from it before testing Orion.



Next:  Test your Orion network

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