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Set network and venue details

Two key Orion concepts are the Network and the Venue:

  • Network represents a group of Wi-Fi access points on a shared LAN
  • Venue represents a physical location, such as a building

Adding Networks

Networks automatically appear in Orion, and cannot be manually added.

Orion uses the NAS-Identifier provided by your network equipment as the Network name.  After connecting to your test network, you should see it automatically appear in the Orion Networks page:


Note:  New suppliers will see "Pending" buyer availability for all networks.

Adding Venues

You now need to provide venue details for your test network. 

Click Venues > Add New Venue.  The Venue information dialog appears.  Provide as much of the requested information as possible; this will help maximize your traffic:



Return to Networks, hover over the Network, click the 3-dot menu and click Edit. 

Select the Venue associated with this network in Select associated venue.  Provide as much of the requested information as possible:



Click on Update Network to save your changes:


Next: Set your default price

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