Audio Overviews

Audio Overviews are lively “deep dive” discussions between two AI hosts who summarize key topics in your sources. Note that Audio Overviews are not meant to be a subjective view of a topic of the AI hosts, but simply a reflection of the source content that you have uploaded.

How to generate an Audio Overview:

  1. Open an existing notebook (or create a new one and upload some sources)
  2. Open the Notebook guide
  3. Click on the Generate button in the Audio Overview section within the Studio panel on the right
    1. Alternatively, you can click on the Customize button and add a steering prompt to help the audio focus on a specific topic. You can input a steering prompt that is 500 character long max. 
  4. Wait for several minutes
  5. Note: you need edit access to a notebook in order to generate or delete an Audio Overview.

How to load an Audio Overview:

Only applicable to notebooks that have previously generated Audio Overviews

  1. Open an existing notebook
  2. Click on the Load button in the Audio Overview section within the Studio panel on the right
  3. Wait for several seconds

How to share an Audio Overview:

  • Option #1: Generate an Audio Overview, then share it by clicking on the share icon in the audio player and generating a public share URL.
    • Public sharing is only enabled for consumer accounts, and currently disabled for Workspace Enterprise or EDU accounts
    • Only notebook owners and editors are able to generate a public share URL for the generated audio, and they can later turn off public sharing by toggling off Public access in the sharing panel
    • Once an audio is deleted or regenerated, any previously generated public share URL will no longer work
  • Option #2: Generate an Audio Overview, then share the entire notebook with another user. They will be able to load the same Audio Overview in the Studio panel.
  • Option #3: Download the Audio Overview through the Download button within the three dots on the player and share the downloaded audio.

How to interact with an Audio Overview (Beta):

  • Create a new Audio Overview.
  • Tap the new Interactive mode (BETA) button.
  • While listening, tap Join. A host will call on you.
  • Ask your question. The hosts will respond with a personalized answer based on your sources.
  • After answering, they'll resume the original Audio Overview.


  • Audio Overviews (including the voices) are AI-generated, so there might be inaccuracies and audio glitches.
  • Audio Overviews are only in English at this moment.
  • It can take a few minutes to generate an Audio Overview (feel free to do other things while generation is in progress).
  • You can’t interrupt the AI hosts yet to join the conversation.
  • Interactive mode:
    • Your voice and transcribed interactions with the hosts will not be stored.
    • Clicking on the share / download buttons will share / download your original Audio Overview. Other users will not be able to interact with your Audio Overview via the share link.
    • There may be a slight delay in starting to play the initial content, after you hit the join button, or after you speak to the hosts.
    • There may be some audio glitches (random speaker switches, third voice, voice glitches).
    • This feature is only available for newly generated Audio Overviews.
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