
Percent, our nonprofit verification partner, has rebranded to Goodstack. Learn more about how Google for Nonprofits partners with Goodstack

Check your Google for Nonprofits account status

See if your Google for Nonprofits account request has been processed yet

  1. Sign in to Google for Nonprofits.
  2. The request status is listed below your organization's name.
    • If you're taken to the 'Products' tab of an account, click on the 'Google for Nonprofits' logo in the upper left hand corner of the account to navigate to the accounts page. 

Most requests are reviewed in 2-14 business days. You will receive an email once the review is complete.

See if you've activated a specific Google product

  1. Sign in to Google for Nonprofits.
  2. Under your organization's name, click Activate products.
  3. Go to the products page.

Most activation requests are reviewed within a few days. You'll receive an email once the review is complete.

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