Ranking within Google News

As a principle, when you submit your content by means of feeds or content labels in the Publisher Centre, it shouldn't interfere with your site’s ranking in search engines. Participation in an advertising program like AdSense has no effect on ranking of your site in Google News, or on any other Google search engine.

Google News aims to promote original journalism and expose users to diverse perspectives. It doesn't accept payments to expedite or improve a site’s search appearance or ranking.

Ranking in Google News is determined algorithmically by these factors:

  • Relevance of content
  • Prominence
  • Authoritativeness
  • Freshness
  • Location
  • Language

Ranking in the 'For you' tab is also determined by these factors:

  • Interests
  • Usability
  • User preferences for topics or publishers

Learn more about how Google News stories are selected and how to see stories you want on Google News.

You can improve your site's ranking by maintaining a Google-friendly website. Learn more about how Google ranks pages in Search.

While we’re happy to help you with technical issues in Google News, we can’t provide much feedback regarding ranking. We appreciate your understanding.

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