Customize call to action (CTA) interactions & order

Customize CTA frequency

You can change how often readers see your CTAs. If you've set up multiple CTAs, the default values are once every 24 hours for individual CTA frequency and 5 minutes for the interval between CTAs.

To update frequency:

  1. Select a publication.
  2. Click Reader Revenue Manager.
  3. Under "Menu," click Overview.
    • You can set up:
      • Individual CTA frequency: This determines how often specific CTAs appear. For example, you can set up a newsletter signup CTA to appear no more than once every 24 hours. Use the sliding scale or specify custom amounts from 12 hours to 2 weeks.
      • Interval between CTAs: This setting is available if you have more than one CTA active in your publication. You can create a time-based interval for your readers between CTAs as they visit pages on your site from 0 to 11 hours and 59 minutes.

Tip: To remove the interval between CTAs, use zero.

For example, you have these CTAs set up in this order, and the interval between CTAs is set to 5 mins:

  • Newsletter signup: Once every 24 hours
  • Survey: Once every 24 hours

Here’s what this means for your readers:

  • The first CTA they’ll get is the “Newsletter CTA.” If the reader dismisses the “Newsletter CTA,” they won’t see it again for 24 hours.
  • Due to the “Interval between CTAs,” the reader won’t get another CTA for 5 minutes.
  • The next CTA they’ll get is the “Survey CTA.” If the reader dismisses the “Survey CTA,” they won’t get it again for 24 hours.

Customize interactions

Edit CTA order

If you've set up multiple CTAs, you can customize the order that they appear to readers:

  1. Select a publication.
  2. Click Reader Revenue Manager.
  3. Under "Menu," click Overview.
  4. To drag the CTAs into your desired order, use the reordering handle.
    • For example, if you want the “Newsletter CTA” to appear first, make sure it’s at the top.

Tip: It’s not possible to customize the order of some CTAs when you use a paywall. When you use multiple CTAs:

  • The “Paywall” always appears last.
  • “Access for new readers” always appears first.
  • “Access for registered readers” is only available when you use “Reader registration.”

Control CTA dismissibility

You can control whether your CTAs block access to content or allow readers to dismiss them.

  1. Select a publication.
  2. Click Reader Revenue Manager.
  3. Under "Menu," click Overview.
  4. On the desired CTA, toggle the Dismissal option to “Allow” or “Block."
    • Allow (Dismissible): Readers can dismiss the CTA and continue to access content. This may be a good option for CTAs such as “Newsletter signups” or “Surveys.”
    • Block (Blocking): Readers must complete the CTA action such as contribute, register before they access the content.

Tip: By strategically controlling the dismissibility of your CTAs, you can effectively guide reader behavior maintaining a user-friendly environment.

Set up CTAs separately for open-access content paywalled content

If you add a paywall, you can set up a separate CTA sequence for open and paywalled content. It allows a tailored experience based on reader access level.

To set up separate CTA sequences:

  1. Select a publication.
  2. Click Reader Revenue Manager.
  3. Under "Menu," click Overview.
  4. If you’ve added a paywall, at the top of the screen, you’ll find 2 tabs:
    • “Paywalled content”
    • “Open content”
  5. In each tab, add CTAs from the section titled “Add calls to action.”
    • You can add CTAs separately for each tab. If you add it to one, it doesn’t add it to the other.
  6. For first time setup, complete any required details for CTAs.
  7. In the “Open content” tab, adjust CTA frequency and interactions.
  8. In both content types, rearrange the order of the CTAs as needed.

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