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The Campaigns Tool

Your new Merchandising and Promotions tool in the Partner Portal
If you don't have access to the new TPR system yet, and you would like to have access, please reach out to our support team to request (
NOTE: Deleting past promotions in the tool will not affect the revenue report.


The new TPR Tool can be accessed directly from the Partner Portal by clicking the Campaign tab

Here you can create, monitor, and manage your promotions.

Applying a TPR to a title will allow it to be added to a dynamically generated deals collection.

Customers will also be able to take advantage of discounted titles they've searched for or discovered randomly while browsing.

However, please note that in EU countries, due to ND4C Guidance, the discounted titles will not appear with a strikethrough.

Promoted titles 

This is the tab you will use to create temporary price reductions (TPRs). By adding a discounted price and dates to a title, you are setting up discount pricing that will go live on the store.

All Promoted Titles are eligible to show up on the store in one or more of our evergreen automated discount clusters. These clusters will vary by region, but at a minimum, each region will have one collection for EST deals.

Each row in the Promoted Titles tab is an Offer (Title + Territory + Format / Quality + License).

Creating a promotion

In the Promoted Titles tab, select the "+ Create Promoted Titles" icon on in the bottom right hand corner of the screen and choose 'promotion creation method’ in the new window.

Search titles for promotions: Adding titles one by one

​Watch a quick video

  1. If you select ‘Search titles for promotions’ you'll notice that there are three options:
    1. Search by Title (least specific)
    2. Search by ALID (very specific)
    3. Search by Play Storefront ID (very specific)
    You can search for titles individually, or you can also search by using a comma-separated list of either ALIDs or Play Storefront IDs. Searching a list of ALIDs or Play Storefront IDs will bring up a list of titles. Make sure to check the boxes next to all of the titles that you want to discount.
  2. Highlight the corresponding title and select "Next".
  3. Choose the specific offers to be added to the promotion.
  4. Select "Next" and then input the specific promotion information, including price and date range
    Start Date: the day you want the promotion to start
    End Date: the day you want the promotion to stop (this day will not be included in the promo)
    Example: if you want a promotion to be live from April 4 - April 14, you should enter a Start Date of 4/4/21 and an End Date of 4/15/21. The promotion will stop at 12 AM on 4/15.
  5. Select "Generate Retail Price" 
  6. Validate the TPRs before submitting. If there are errors (e.g. SD more expensive than HD), we’ll point out the lines in question and give you the option to fix them and then re-validate.
  7. Click  "Finish"

Bulk CSV upload: Adding several titles in one go

If you select 'Bulk CSV Upload' you can simply drag and drop your file and then click ‘Submit’.

Download the Bulk CSV Template and begin adding your Titles under the headers displayed.

Treat each row as an individual offer

  1. Fill out the template beginning with the row below the following headers:
    • alid (enter a single ALID per row)
    • territory (2-digit Country Code)
    • formatprofile (SD, HD, UHD)
    • start (promotion start date: YYYY-MM-DD format)
    • end (promotion end date: YYYY-MM-DD format)
    • licensetype (EST, VOD)
    • pricetype (WSP, DMRP)
    • pricevalue (what price you want to offer)
    • pricecurrency (3 Letter Country Currency)

2. Once completed, save your document as a CSV, drag and drop the file and finish the workflow as described above

When submitting titles via 'Bulk CSV Upload', ensure that each submitted CSV contains a maximum of 50 lines.

Example of Bulk CSV Template:

If there are errors in your CSV, we’ll point out the lines in question and give you the option to fix them and re-upload. You’ll also see the ALIDs for the rows that have failed during bulk upload now.


Click on “Generate Retail Prices”. Once you are happy with your promotional dates and prices you can validate the file before uploading. You’ll be shown errors incl. instructions how to fix them but also pending, validated and saved items. 

You can either delete the rows containing errors or modify the CSV and re-upload it.

Deleting a promotion

  1. In the Promoted Titles tab, highlight the promotions to be removed 

  2. Select "Delete" and then "Proceed"

  3. Selected Promotions will now be removed.

Watch a short video on how to delete a promo

Updating a promotion

  • A Promotion is unable to be altered if the Promotion has already started.

  • If updates are needed for a promotion that has already gone live, you will need to delete the current promotion and create a new promotion with the needed changes.

  • The end date of any current promotion can be updated but cannot be deleted. Moving this out of Window will revert the Title to standard pricing 

  • Future promotions can be amended or deleted before they go into Window.

Using the Bulk Editor to make quick changes to multiple promotions

Tick the boxes next to all titles you'd like to include. Then click on the bulk editor feature at the top and in the new pop-up, change the dates and then hit 'Apply'. You can change prices for multiple titles this way too.


How do I see my promotions in the Partner Portal?

Log in to the Partner Portal, and find the Campaigns section in the left navigation menu - you will see your promoted titles here. Read more about viewing your promoted titles here.

How do I add discounts to my titles?

Follow the steps outlined in Creating a promotion.  

Do you have seasonal campaigns like Black Friday, Cyber Weekend etc?

As we no longer manually merchandise any part of the Play Movies and TV store, this also means we are no longer participating in global campaigns such as Black Friday, Thanksgiving etc. All collections you see on the store are dynamic (i.e. managed by the algorithm and based on personalization) apart from a few legacy shelves that were curated in the past and are still being displayed. Personalization & automation is what Google does and we're applying this here, too!

Is there an advance period/deadline for me to submit TPRs?

As there are no seasonal campaigns anymore you can submit TPRs anytime for any title so long as the start date is after the submission date.

One of my titles is live with promotional pricing, and I need to remove the promotional pricing. How do I do that?

You have two options: 

  1. Adjust it yourself: If you are happy to leave the promotional pricing up for the rest of the day, just adjust the end date of the promotional window you added to the title. To do that, go to the “Promoted Titles” tab in the Campaigns section of the Partner Portal. Then, find the title you want to adjust. Edit the end date to today’s date. Click “Update Selected Promos.” The date should now be adjusted.
  2. If urgent, reach out to the support team: If you need the promotional pricing removed immediately, please reach out to

Is there any limit to the number of promoted titles I can add to the portal?

No. Feel free to add as many as you wish.

Where will my promoted titles show up?

All the titles you have discounted are eligible to show up in any of our dynamic (i.e. automated) collections. All territories will have an EST deals collection that pulls titles from all available discounted content. Some territories will have other genre or format-based collections based on operational availability.  

Can you put my promoted titles at the front of the dynamic collections? 

Unfortunately not. These clusters are personalized to each user, so the most relevant discounted content will show up.

How do I find the ALIDs for my titles?

You can find your ALIDs by going to the Partner Portal, and clicking on the Offers tab.


Then, use the search bar at the top to filter by title, date, territory, or any of the other filter options. Make sure to click "Search" once you have entered your filters.

You can see your ALIDs by scrolling over to the right, or clicking into the individual title records that come up.

You can download a list of ALIDs by clicking on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner and selecting "Download as CSV." 

I've added promotional pricing and dates, but I'm seeing red lines underneath some of my dates and the "Finish" button is greyed out. How do I fix this?

Red lines underneath the date fields in the last screen of the "Add Promoted Titles" flow means you're trying to add promotional dates outside of avail windows.

Try going back one step and selecting promotional windows that line up with your avail dates.

For example, the avail windows for the test title below start on 7/1/19 and end on 7/3/23.

When I tried to enter a promotional period from 7/5/24 - 7/31/24, it prevented me from saving the promotion because the promo period does not line up with the avail window.

In this example, the latest end date I could have for a promotion would be 7/3/23.

My content doesn't show up when I try searching by title, ALID or Play Storefront ID. What do I do?

1. Go to the Partner Portal and search for the title in your "Offers" tab, then check the icons for the offer:

If any of these aren't green, there might be an issue with the processing of your title. Any titles that are not fully processed cannot be discounted.

2. If all of your lights are green and the title still doesn't show up, please email with the Titles, ALIDs, promotional dates, and a screen shot of any error messaging you get when you try to search for titles.

Date / Time difference:  Campaign Tool vs. CSV

Be aware:

The Date & Time displayed in the Campaign Tool page is based on your current location when accessing the tool and may not reflect the intended time you included in the CSV.


The Start Date added in CSV is 2022-09-20, but the date displayed in the tool and in your location may be 2022-09-19, or the Countries you provided in the CSV have different time zones, ( +4 hours, -4 hours, etc...)
Please be aware of the different time zones when setting up your promoted.


Check the Promo Range and Country Timezone

When you have selected all of your Titles and in the pricing setup window, you can check the actual Scheduled Dates and Times, as well as Country-specific timezones.

1)  Hover over the 'Promo Range' header to see the Scheduled Date/Time that the Promo will go live

2)  Hover over a "Territory" value to see the Timezone of the Country and your Local Time

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