Trang bạn đã yêu cầu hiện không có sẵn bằng ngôn ngữ của bạn. Bạn có thể chọn ngôn ngữ khác ở cuối trang hoặc dịch nhanh mọi trang web sang ngôn ngữ mà bạn chọn bằng cách sử dụng tính năng dịch được tích hợp sẵn trong Google Chrome.

Rating systems for Movies & TV shows

Valid ratings for Movies and TV shows vary per country.

How to tag ratings in metadata

For Movies or TV shows, each rating has the format "system:rating" within a spreadsheet template, where:

  • "System" is the name of the rating system, and
  • "Rating" is the specific rating within that system.

To set the rating using the Content and Rights Administration Feed, use the tag:

<rating system="system">rating value</rating>.

Example: <rating system="mpaa">PG</rating>

Unrated content


  • "UNRATED" contents don’t go live in countries that require ratings.
  • Leaving the rating value blank isn’t the same as "UNRATED."
  • We’ll contact your team to determine whether a title should have a rating or is unrated.

A ratings authority actively assigns a rating to Movies and TV shows for the territory of distribution. When a Movie or TV show hasn't been assigned a rating, it’s considered "UNRATED."

Example: If the MPAA doesn't assign a rating to a movie distributed in the US, the movie should be assigned a rating value of "UNRATED." The tag would be: <rating system="mpaa">UNRATED</rating>.

This system is accepted in Australia (TV).

System Rating value for metadata Displayed on Play Store Description Notes
G G General: Suitable for all ages but not necessarily intended for children.
PG PG General: Suitable for all ages but parental guidance recommended for young viewers.
M M Mature: Suitable for viewers 15 and older.
MA15+ MA15+ Mature Accompanied: Not suitable for viewers under 15.
UNRATED UNRATED Unrated content. Unrated content isn't accepted in Australia.

Table 1 - Rating reasons

  • To provide this data, under “Ratings,” use the metadata field “Reasons.”
  • If no rating reason is assigned to the title, in the MEC section, provide “Not Applicable” value.
  • If there’s a need for unsupported rating reasons that aren’t listed below, contact our support at
Region Locale Type System Rating Descriptor Descriptor Code





General GEN
Very mild themes TVM
Very mild bullying themes TBVM
Very mild crude humour HCVM
Very mild fantasy themes TFVM
Very mild horror themes THVM
Very mild injury detail IDVM
Very mild medical procedures MPVM
Very mild mental health themes TMHVM
Very mild mental health themes ABPVM
Very mild science fiction themes TSFVM
Very mild supernatural themes TSVM
Some scenes may scare very young children SSYC
Very mild violence VVM
Very mild animated violence VAVM
Very mild slapstick violence VSVM
Very mild sexual references SRVM
Very mild coarse language CLVM
Very mild drug references DRVM
Very mild nudity NVM
Very mild supernatural violence VMSNV
Very mild sporting violence VMSPV
Very mild science fiction violence VMSFV
Very mild supernatural violence VMSIM
Very mild sporting violence VMSPV
Very mild science fiction violence VMSFV
Very mild sexualised imagery VMSIM
Mild coarse language LMC
Mild crude humour MCH
Mild drug references DMR
Mild drug use DMU
Mild horror themes HMT
Mild nudity NM
Mild sex scenes SMS
Mild sexual references SMR
Mild themes MLT
Mild violence VM
Mild animated violence VMA
Mild fantasy violence VMF
Mild science fiction violence VMSF
Mild supernatural violence VMSN
Mild animal cruelty ACM
Mild bullying themes TBM
Mild fantasy themes TFM
Mild injury detail IDM
Mild medical procedures MPM
Mild mental health themes TMHM
Mild science fiction themes SRM
Mild suicide references TSM
Mild supernatural themes STM
Mild predatory animal behaviour ABMP
Some scenes may scare young children SSVYC
Mild action violence VAM
Mild family violence VFM
Mild slapstick violence VSLM
Mild sporting violence VSM
Mild sexualised imagery SIM
Mild battle violence MBV
Mild hunting violence MHV
Crude humour CH
Coarse language LC
Animal cruelty VAC
Drug references DR
Drug use DU
Fantasy themes FT
Fantasy violence VF
Horror violence HV
Science fiction violence VSF
Supernatural violence SV
Horror themes HRT
Mature themes MT
Action violence VA
Animated violence VAN
Nudity N
Science fiction themes SFT
Sex scenes SS
Sexual references SR
Supernatural themes ST
Violence V
Blood and gore BG
Bullying themes TB
Injury detail DIJ
Medical procedures MPR
Mental health themes TMH
Predatory animal behaviour ABP
Self-harm SHA
Sexual themes TS
Suicide scenes SSC
Suicide references SREF
Comedic violence VC
Family violence VFAM
Sporting violence VSP
Sexual violence VSE
Sexualised imagery SEI
References to sexual violence VRTS
Strong references to sexual violence VRTSS
Strong science fiction violence VSSF
Strong horror violence HSV
Strong fantasy violence VSFY
Strong animated violence VSA
Strong coarse language LSC
Strong drug use DSU
Strong drug references DSR
Strong horror themes HST
Strong nudity NS
Strong sex scenes SSS
Strong sexual references SSR
Strong sexual violence VSS
Strong themes SGT
Strong violence VS
Strong animal cruelty ACS
Strong blood and gore BGS
Strong bullying themes TBS
Strong crude humour CHS
Strong fantasy themes TFS
Strong injury detail IDS
Strong medical procedures MPS
Strong mental health themes TMHS
Strong science fiction themes TSFS
Strong self-harm SHS
Strong sexual themes TSS
Strong suicide references RSS
Strong suicide scenes SSUS
Strong supernatural themes TSNS
Strong action violence VACS
Strong comedic violence VCS
Strong family violence VFS
Strong sporting violence VSPS
Strong supernatural violence VSNS
Strong sexualised imagery ISS
High impact crude humour HICH
High impact drug use DHIU
High impact drug references DHIR
High impact nudity NHI
High impact sex scenes SHIS
High impact sexual references SHIR
High impact sexual violence VHIS
High impact themes HIT
High impact violence VHI
High impact animated violence VHIA
High impact coarse language LHIC
High impact animal cruelty ACHI
High impact blood and gore BGHI
High impact bullying themes TBHI
High impact fantasy themes TFHI
High impact horror themes THHI
High impact injury detail IDHI
High impact medical procedures MPHI
High impact mental health themes TMHHI
High impact science fiction themes TSFHI
High impact self-harm SHHI
High impact sexual themes TSHI
High impact suicide references SRHI
High impact suicide scenes SSHI
High impact supernatural themes TSNHI
High impact action violence VAHI
High impact comedic violence VCHI
High impact family violence VFHI
High impact fantasy violence VFAHI
High impact horror violence VHHI
High impact science fiction violence VSFHI
High impact references to sexual violence VSHIR
High impact sporting violence VSHI
High impact supernatural violence VSHI
High impact sexualised imagery SIHI

This system is accepted in Australia (Movies).

System Rating value for metadata Displayed on Play Store Description Notes
ACB G G General
PG PG Parental guidance recommended
M M Not suitable for people under 15. Under 15 must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian
MA15+ MA15+ Recommended for mature audiences
R18+ R18+ Restricted to 18 years and over
UNRATED UNRATED Unrated content *Unrated content is not accepted in Australia.*

Table 1 - Rating reasons

  • Please use the metadata field ‘Reasons’ (under Ratings) to provide this data.
  • If no Rating Reasons is assigned to the title, ‘Not Applicable’ value should be provided in the MEC section.
  • If there is a need for an unsupported Rating Reasons (not listed below), please let our Support team know in advance (
Region Locale Type System Rating Descriptor Descriptor Code





General GEN
Very mild themes TVM
Very mild bullying themes TBVM
Very mild crude humour HCVM
Very mild fantasy themes TFVM
Very mild horror themes THVM
Very mild injury detail IDVM
Very mild medical procedures MPVM
Very mild mental health themes TMHVM
Very mild predatory animal behaviour ABPVM
Very mild science fiction themes TSFVM
Very mild supernatural themes TSVM
Some scenes may scare very young children SSYC
Very mild violence VVM
Very mild animated violence VAVM
Very mild slapstick violence VSVM
Very mild sexual references SRVM
Very mild coarse language CLVM
Very mild drug references DRVM
Very mild nudity NVM
Very mild supernatural violence VMSNV
Very mild sporting violence VMSPV
Very mild science fiction violence VMSFV
Very mild supernatural violence VMSIM
Very mild sporting violence VMSPV
Very mild science fiction violence VMSFV
Very mild sexualised imagery VMSIM
Mild coarse language LMC
Mild crude humour MCH
Mild drug references DMR
Mild drug use DMU
Mild horror themes HMT
Mild nudity NM
Mild sex scenes SMS
Mild sexual references SMR
Mild themes MLT
Mild violence VM
Mild animated violence VMA
Mild fantasy violence VMF
Mild science fiction violence VMSF
Mild supernatural violence VMSN
Mild animal cruelty ACM
Mild bullying themes TBM
Mild fantasy themes TFM
Mild injury detail IDM
Mild medical procedures MPM
Mild mental health themes TMHM
Mild science fiction themes SRM
Mild suicide references TSM
Mild supernatural themes STM
Mild predatory animal behaviour ABMP
Some scenes may scare young children SSVYC
Mild action violence VAM
Mild family violence VFM
Mild slapstick violence VSLM
Mild sporting violence VSM
Mild sexualised imagery SIM
Mild battle violence MBV
Mild hunting violence MHV
Crude humour CH
Coarse language LC
Animal cruelty VAC
Drug references DR
Drug use DU
Fantasy themes FT
Fantasy violence VF
Horror violence HV
Science fiction violence VSF
Supernatural violence SV
Horror themes HRT
Mature themes MT
Action violence VA
Animated violence VAN
Nudity N
Science fiction themes SFT
Sex scenes SS
Sexual references SR
Supernatural themes ST
Violence V
Blood and gore BG
Bullying themes TB
Injury detail DIJ
Medical procedures MPR
Mental health themes TMH
Predatory animal behaviour ABP
Self-harm SHA
Sexual themes TS
Suicide scenes SSC
Suicide references SREF
Comedic violence VC
Family violence VFAM
Sporting violence VSP
Sexual violence VSE
Sexualised imagery SEI
References to sexual violence VRTS
Strong references to sexual violence VRTSS
Strong science fiction violence VSSF
Strong horror violence HSV
Strong fantasy violence VSFY
Strong animated violence VSA
Strong coarse language LSC
Strong drug use DSU
Strong drug references DSR
Strong horror themes HST
Strong nudity NS
Strong sex scenes SSS
Strong sexual references SSR
Strong sexual violence VSS
Strong themes SGT
Strong violence VS
Strong animal cruelty ACS
Strong blood and gore BGS
Strong bullying themes TBS
Strong crude humour CHS
Strong fantasy themes TFS
Strong injury detail IDS
Strong medical procedures MPS
Strong mental health themes TMHS
Strong science fiction themes TSFS
Strong self-harm SHS
Strong sexual themes TSS
Strong suicide references RSS
Strong suicide scenes SSUS
Strong supernatural themes TSNS
Strong action violence VACS
Strong comedic violence VCS
Strong family violence VFS
Strong sporting violence VSPS
Strong supernatural violence VSNS
Strong sexualised imagery ISS
High impact crude humour HICH
High impact drug use DHIU
High impact drug references DHIR
High impact nudity NHI
High impact sex scenes SHIS
High impact sexual references SHIR
High impact sexual violence VHIS
High impact themes HIT
High impact violence VHI
High impact animated violence VHIA
High impact coarse language LHIC
High impact animal cruelty ACHI
High impact blood and gore BGHI
High impact bullying themes TBHI
High impact fantasy themes TFHI
High impact horror themes THHI
High impact injury detail IDHI
High impact medical procedures MPHI
High impact mental health themes TMHHI
High impact science fiction themes TSFHI
High impact self-harm SHHI
High impact sexual themes TSHI
High impact suicide references SRHI
High impact suicide scenes SSHI
High impact supernatural themes TSNHI
High impact action violence VAHI
High impact comedic violence VCHI
High impact family violence VFHI
High impact fantasy violence VFAHI
High impact horror violence VHHI
High impact science fiction violence VSFHI
High impact references to sexual violence VSHIR
High impact sporting violence VSHI
High impact supernatural violence VSHI
High impact sexualised imagery SIHI
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