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Rating systems for Movies & TV shows

Valid ratings for Movies and TV shows vary per country.

How to tag ratings in metadata

For Movies or TV shows, each rating has the format "system:rating" within a spreadsheet template, where:

  • "System" is the name of the rating system, and
  • "Rating" is the specific rating within that system.

To set the rating using the Content and Rights Administration Feed, use the tag:

<rating system="system">rating value</rating>.

Example: <rating system="mpaa">PG</rating>

Unrated content


  • "UNRATED" contents don’t go live in countries that require ratings.
  • Leaving the rating value blank isn’t the same as "UNRATED."
  • We’ll contact your team to determine whether a title should have a rating or is unrated.

A ratings authority actively assigns a rating to Movies and TV shows for the territory of distribution. When a Movie or TV show hasn't been assigned a rating, it’s considered "UNRATED."

Example: If the MPAA doesn't assign a rating to a movie distributed in the US, the movie should be assigned a rating value of "UNRATED." The tag would be: <rating system="mpaa">UNRATED</rating>.

This system is accepted in Venezuela.

System Rating value for metadata Displayed on Play Store Description Notes
RESORTE-VIOLENCIA A A Suitable for audiences 2 years or older

Texts, images, or sounds used for the prevention or eradication of violence. It can be witnessed by children, girls and adolescents without requiring the guidance of mothers, fathers, or representatives.

The violent act or its consequences aren’t presented in detail or explicitly.

B B Suitable for audiences 7 years or older Texts, images, or sounds that present dramatized violence or its consequences in an unexplained way.
C C Suitable for audiences 12 years or older

Texts, images, or graphic descriptions used for the prevention or eradication of violence.

Children or adolescents require the guidance of their mothers, fathers, or representatives.

It doesn’t present detailed or explicit images or graphic descriptions of the violent act or its consequences.

D D Suitable for audiences 15 years or older

Texts, images, or graphic descriptions that present real violence or its consequences in a non-explicit way.

Dramatized violence or its consequences in an explicit and non-detailed way.

E E Suitable for audiences 18 years or older

Texts, images, or graphic descriptions that present real or dramatized violence or its consequences in an explicit and detailed way.

Physical, psychological, or verbal violence between people who make up a family against children and adolescents or against women.

Sexual violence or violence as a central theme or a resource of repeated impact.

Those that present, promote, advocate, or incite suicide or injure their own personal integrity or personal health.

UNRATED UNRATED Unrated content
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