Η σελίδα που ζητήσατε δεν είναι διαθέσιμη προς το παρόν στη γλώσσα σας. Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε μια άλλη γλώσσα στο κάτω μέρος της σελίδας ή να μεταφράσετε άμεσα οποιαδήποτε ιστοσελίδα στη γλώσσα της επιλογής σας, χρησιμοποιώντας την ενσωματωμένη λειτουργία μετάφρασης του Google Chrome.

Rating systems for Movies & TV shows

Valid ratings for Movies and TV shows vary per country.

How to tag ratings in metadata

For Movies or TV shows, each rating has the format "system:rating" within a spreadsheet template, where:

  • "System" is the name of the rating system, and
  • "Rating" is the specific rating within that system.

To set the rating using the Content and Rights Administration Feed, use the tag:

<rating system="system">rating value</rating>.

Example: <rating system="mpaa">PG</rating>

Unrated content


  • "UNRATED" contents don’t go live in countries that require ratings.
  • Leaving the rating value blank isn’t the same as "UNRATED."
  • We’ll contact your team to determine whether a title should have a rating or is unrated.

A ratings authority actively assigns a rating to Movies and TV shows for the territory of distribution. When a Movie or TV show hasn't been assigned a rating, it’s considered "UNRATED."

Example: If the MPAA doesn't assign a rating to a movie distributed in the US, the movie should be assigned a rating value of "UNRATED." The tag would be: <rating system="mpaa">UNRATED</rating>.

This system is accepted in Japan.

System Rating value for metadata Displayed on Play Store Description
EIRIN G G General audiences.
PG-12 PG-12 Parental guidance requested for young people under 12 years.
R15+ R15+ For persons aged 15 and above only, no one under 15 is admitted.
R18+ R18+ For persons aged 18 and above only, no one under 18 is admitted.
UNRATED レーティングなし Unrated content.
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