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Checking your title's status on the Offers page


The Offers page empowers you to quickly monitor the status of your titles as they move through the content delivery process. 

Steps to Check Title Status

  1. Access the Offers page: Click "Offers" in the left-hand navigation menu.

  2. Optimize loading speed: The Offers page starts blank to enhance loading times. Use filters to refine your search.

  3. Apply filters: Select appropriate filters based on the content type:
    1. Movies: Use the TitleInternalAlias filter. 
    2. TV Shows: Use the SeriesTitleInternalAlias filter.
    3. TV Episodes: Use the EpisodeTitleInternalAlias filter.
  4. View results: Click the "Search" button, and a list of offers matching your search criteria will appear.
  5. Explore offer details: Click on an offer from the list to see more in-depth information.

An offer represents a unique combination of:

  • Title
  • Territory (where it will be available)
  • License type (e.g., rental, purchase)
  • Quality (e.g., HD, SD)

Therefore, a single title might be associated with multiple offers.

Offer Status

Each offer has 3 different types of status: Fulfillment status, Pipeline status, and Publishing Status.

Fulfillment status

The Fulfillment Status is a valuable tool to gauge how close your title is to going live on the storefront. It outlines the essential stages of the content delivery supply chain.

The offer will either be at Offer Generated stage (for legacy titles) or in one of the below stages:

Status Definition Icon


Tracks delivery and ingestion of package contents for an offer (i.e. what the PPH delivers to Google)


Tracks compression of assets, including transcoding ( i.e.what happens immediately after Google has received the assets)


Tracks approval of assets by Google's Quality Control


Tracks publishing of “release” (set of assets) to catalog.


Each stage of the supply chain will be color coded as shown in the below screen grab

Important:  The end colour reflects the most recent release

Each offer consists of several components of inventory. See our Publication requirements page for more information.

A critical component is a minimum requirement for a particular territory( e.g. English captions in the US). Non-critical components are any extra elements that are not a minimum requirement (e.g. German audio in the UK).

Missing or rejected critical components will block the title from publishing in that territory. 

Status Color Meanings by Stage  

In a textbook scenario (initial delivery with no issues and no redelivery) the components will go through the supply chain, progressing from gray → blue → green in each stage. 
If there is a rejection at the QC stage, please re-submit new files to your PPH. For issues at any of the other stages please contact our support team at playsupport-moviestv @

Note: Pending Manifest means that no element of the delivery process has begun.

 Currently there is an issue when selecting ‘Download as CSV’: The Offers will download as a .CSV file as usual, but when Excel opens, the sheet is completely empty of data. We are working on a fix but in the meantime this is a workaround (see Example below):

  1. Select the ellipses (3 dots) to the right of the screen and choose 'Manage columns'

  2. Select all of your preferred columns to be downloaded

  3. Deselect these 3 columns and click UPDATE:

    • Target Redelivery Time

    • Most Recent Redelivery Requested Time

    • Initial_query

You will now be able to select Download as CSV and Excel will open with the populated data.


Pipeline status

The Pipeline Status tells you whether your title was processed using the Next Generation (component-based) system or the older legacy pipeline. This distinction is important because:


  • Interface Differences: The user interface and available features vary between Next Gen and legacy content.
  • Fulfillment Status: The detailed "Fulfillment Status" (explained in the next section) is visible only for Next Gen titles.


Identifying Legacy Titles:

  • In the offer details, a status of "Offer Generated" signifies a legacy title.
  • Once you initiate a re-delivery for a legacy title, Next Gen features will become available. 


This is relevant as the interface looks different for legacy vs Next Gen titles. E.g. The new, more granular "Fulfillment Status" (see next section) only displays for Next Gen titles.

Titles listed as "Offer Generated" in the details page are Legacy Titles.

Once a re-delivery for a legacy title is started, Next Gen features will start showing for that title.




Offer is for a new title ingested via Next Gen, or a legacy title that has since been redelivered through Next Gen 


Offer is for a legacy title

Play Store Publish status

This status indicates if the title is live on the Play Store or not.



Live on Store

Offer is live on storefront for users to buy or rent

Out of Window

Offer is published to catalog but not in window

Soft Takedown

Soft takedown by Google


Offer does not require delivery from PPH and is unfulfilled e.g. when full delete avail is submitted


Offer was deleted via avail or by Google


Catch-all that encompasses any active offer that is currently in the fulfillment phase (no published version yet)

Offer, Inventory and Packages  for each titles

For each Offer you can drill down into its inventory and its associated package. 


An Offer roughly corresponds to an avail transaction row (ALID + territory + license type + quality). Clicking on an Offer in the Partner Portal will take you to its corresponding Offer Details page, 

Offer Details at a glance:

  • Workflow Status and Error Messages: A prominent box on the right side uses color-coding to indicate the status (red=failure, orange=in process, green=live). Error messages are displayed here to guide troubleshooting.
  • Inventory Table: Below the main offer information, you'll find a table listing the inventory (assets) associated with that offer. Details include:
    • Status of each asset
    • Component type (e.g., video, audio)
    • Language
    • Earliest start date
    • Manifest version

Additional Features (for Movies):

  • "Associated Offers" link: Clicking this link takes you to a view showing offers that share the same ALID and territory as the current offer.


Click on an inventory item component within the Offer Details to directly view its Inventory Details page.

Helpful Links:

  • Associated Offers: View a list of offers that are fulfilled by the specific inventory component you are viewing.
  • Package Link: See the delivery package in which the inventory component was included.

Quick Status and Error Checks:

  • The right side of the page prominently displays the overall status of the inventory component.
  • Error messages are shown here to help you troubleshoot any issues (red = failure, orange = processing, green = success).


Clicking into a package will take you to the corresponding Package Details page, where you can see the following details about its multi-component package uploaded through Aspera:

Studio The studio associated to the package.
Root Directory Path The name of the Aspera folder where the package was uploaded.
Batch Uploaded The Aspera dropbox where the package was uploaded.
Manifest Status

The status of the EMA manifest provided during ingestion. The status can read as any of the following:

  • Valid
  • Processing
  • Failed
File Paths The file path provided in the manifest in relation to the Aspera dropbox location.
Package Errors All ingestion errors returned during processing that need to be reviewed and corrected.
Last Updated Date and time of the last update to the package (e.g., manifest update.)

The experiences included in the MMC manifest. This view also provides:

  • A link to the Offers associated to the experience
  • Included and excluded regions where an experience may or may not be sold
ALIDs The ALIDs associated to a package.
Manifest Version The Manifest Version attribute allows selection of package details associated with each upload of the manifest and indicates the timestamp that the manifest was uploaded.


Below the initial package information, you will find an inventory report. This report lists all the inventory items (assets) associated with the package.

  • Experience ID Links: Clicking on an Experience ID within the report will take you to an offer report, showing you the offers linked to that specific Experience ID.
  • On the right-hand side of the page, a prominent status box displays the current status of both the manifest (the file describing the package) and the package itself.
  • Color-Coding for Quick Assessment: (red = failure, orange = processing, green = success).

Using filters to search

To efficiently search for movies or TV content in the Partner Portal, use the following filters:

  • For Movies: Use the TitleInternalAlias filter.
  • For TV Series: Use the SeriesTitleInternalAlias filter.
  • For TV Episodes: Use the EpisodeTitleInternalAlias filter.


  1. Keep the filter option as "Contains (ignore case)". This makes the search less case-sensitive.
  2. Type in the title (or part of the title) you are searching for.
  3. Click "Apply." You will see a list of related titles.
Tip: For more in-depth information on these filters and other data fields, refer to our Help Center articles for Movies and TV EMA headers.
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