Featured postsView all featured posts What to do if you're unable to send a text message Hi everyone, If you can't send or receive messages, or have trouble connecting to Google Messages on… 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 0 Replies 74 Upvotes Delete vs. Archive texts Hi everyone, Did you accidentally delete a message? Unfortunately, a message once deleted is permane… 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 0 Replies 319 Upvotes Guide for Verizon Message+ Users Announcement We're excited you're switching to Google Messages from Verizon Messages+! Here's how to find some of… 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 0 Replies 515 Upvotes Useful links Want to become a Product Expert?About the CommunityCommunity OverviewContent Policy Want to become a Product Expert?About the CommunityCommunity OverviewContent Policy Not what you're looking for? Try posting to the public help community Post a question Trending postsView all trending posts Replies to group messages are coming as individual texts instead of to the group I have a Nokia 6 and TMobile is my carrier. I tried clicking the 3 dots but get Detail/Archive/Delet… 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 49 Replies 2549 Upvotes Can't verify number anymore (after TMobile outage) During the TMobile outage I wasn't aware TMobile had an issue early and I wasn't receiving messages … 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 39 Replies 731 Upvotes Chat Features Enabled for both users, but mine are sending as SMS I have Chat features enabled and so does the recipient, but my phone (Galaxy Note 9, Unlocked on AT&… 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 26 Replies 1117 Upvotes Community GuidesView all guides Delete vs. Archive texts Hi everyone, Did you accidentally delete a message? Unfortunately, a message once deleted is permane… 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 0 Replies 319 Upvotes What to do if you're unable to send a text message Hi everyone, If you can't send or receive messages, or have trouble connecting to Google Messages on… 0 Updates 0 Recommended Answers 0 Replies 74 Upvotes CategoriesView all postsGroup Messages Texts from different people shows coming from one person.... How do you remove someone from a group chat? When out of data, how d attempted media messages still claiming to be sending in a que View allRCS (Chat Features) Why does the RCS chat not work for one contact? Setting up permanently in 2 months....RCS Is there a way to tell when (i.e. at what time) your message was read by the recipient? View allSMS [feature requests] report spam on a single message but not the sender Sir my messages are not going to another people why my messages are not going why???hy my I absolutely HATE this new format for messages. I want messenger back as my default message app View allOther How to delete the end to end that comes above the text I need all of my data and pictures restored. Why isn't there a mass delete option for spam, blocked, and archived messages? View all