
RCS is now available for texting between Android and iPhones. Learn how to turn on RCS chats on your Android phone (link).

Recibir recordatorios de correo

Los recordatorios de correo se muestran en Mensajes de Google y te ayudan a enviar respuestas fácilmente.

Nudges gives you 2 types of alerts:

  • Reply reminders to follow up after a certain time to a message you sent or received
  • Birthday reminders to wish a contact a Happy Birthday

To use Nudges, you must have:

  • The Messages app locale set to English (United States).
  • An Android OS version L and up. Nudges doesn’t work on Android Go OS devices.

Tip: By default, Nudges is on. To turn off Nudges, at the top right, tap your profile photo y luego Messages settings y luego Suggestions y luego Nudges.

Learn more about Reply reminders

Reply reminders:

  • Prompt you to reply to messages you haven’t yet replied to
  • Show outgoing messages that you haven’t followed up on

Google uses Machine Learning models to predict when you send or receive a message that might need follow-up.

A Nudge:

  • Shows at the top of your conversation list and in the conversation
  • Is dismissed when a new message is sent or received in that conversation

Learn more about Birthday reminders

Birthday reminders:

  • Alert you when it’s a saved contact’s birthday
  • Prompt you to send a contact a Happy Birthday message


  • Only alerts you if the people you chat with have their birthdays listed in your contacts app
  • Moves the conversation to the top of the conversation list
  • Adds a message at the top of your conversation that says “It’s their birthday!” and shows a birthday cake icon
  • Processes on-device only and birthdays are not uploaded to Google servers

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