Manage promotions on Chrome and Google Shopping Deals browser extension on Safari

Certain promotions can be shown to shoppers while they use Chrome or browser extension on Safari. Promotions can be shown on:

  • On the Chrome New Tab page, as part of a new experience showing recent activity across the web. This will help to bring users back to your site to finish a purchase.
  • In the address bar for Chrome and Safari, while a shopper is browsing your website. This helps shoppers easily locate the best deals on your website.

Note: This feature is rolling out gradually and promotions visibility may vary.


To be eligible to show on Chrome and Safari desktop browser, promotions must:

  • Be targeted to show organically in the US
  • Be percent off or money off
  • Have a coupon code that can be applied without additional conditions and requirements

If a promotion is eligible, it automatically appears on the address bar and New tab page of Chrome and on the browser extension of Safari.

How to opt out

If you don’t want any promotions from your Merchant Center account to show on any browsers, you can opt out using this form. Google will process the request within 5 business days. The user requesting an opt-out must be an administrator of the Merchant Center account, or else the request can’t be processed.

You can also unselect Chrome as a surface to opt out specific promotions by following these steps:

In your Merchant Center account, click Marketing in the navigation menu.

  1. Click Promotions.
  2. Click on the pencil icon Edit to edit the promotion.
  3. Navigate to “Promotions on Google” section.
  4. Unselect Chrome.
  5. Click Save.

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