We have detected that you have a membership store that doesn’t allow non-members to purchase in store. Your store must allow everyone to checkout in the store without obstacles.
Step 1 of 2: Ensure your membership store allows non-members to purchase in store
It should be clear on your website and store that non-members are allowed to purchase items in store without a membership. If you allow this at a higher cost, the price in your landing page and items must reflect the higher non-membership price.
Step 2 of 2: Request a review
In some instances, if your account or a product offer is disapproved, you can request a review if you have fixed the issue or disagree with the decision. If the review is successful, your issue will disappear. If the disapproval remains and you’re uncertain with how to proceed, contact us for support.
Note: If you use a third-party platform to list your products, you may also be able to go to your third-party application to request a review.