Oct 16, 2020

I don't seem to get a Google Meet Attendance report if I am not the first to enter the meet.

I just received information from our school tech person that Google Meet sends an email that records attendance in live meets and sends an email with that report.  I had been receiving the emails and not opening them because I didn't know what they were.  Sooo I opened one and was pleasantly surprised!  I changed my attendance policy with the kids and awaited my email with the report.  First class today I was the first to join the posted meet and I got my email.  Second class today there were already students in the meet when I joined and I did NOT get my email.  Did it go to the first person who joined the meet?  How do I correct this and make sure that Google know I am the host of the meeting even if I didn't get there first?  Help here would be great!
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Welcome to the Google Meet support community.
It will be quite difficult to explain in a single post but if you are not receiving the attendance list that means that you are not the owner of the meeting. Therefore you are not going to have a lot of the host features like muting participants, removing them, accept join requests, etc.
The issue you describe is usually due to your IT dept (the domain admin) having given students the same permissions to create Meets as the Teachers. This means if they enter a 'nicknamed' or 'classroom' created Meet before the teacher, the first person activating the link will 'own' the Meet.
In the Meet settings, the admin needs to switch off the ability of students to create/start video calls. If the students are in a separate Organisational Unit to the students, this should be fairly easy for them to do. '
These settings will not prevent students from joining a Meet that is created by a teacher, but will prevent them from opening a 'nicknamed' Meet, and taking ownership of the Meet.
Last edited Oct 17, 2020
Google user
Oct 28, 2020
The thing is kinda weird...I wonder why they wont let you have the daily report if you are not the first to class.
Nov 10, 2020
I'm the first one to open the meets and they are not nicknamed??? So I don't think the students are "controlling" the meets. I get the attendance report for all of my other classes but my last class of the day - 2 meets going at once, I do not get the reports.
Nov 10, 2020
This could be one of two things.

1. Your meeting must have at least 5 participants in it for you to receive a email. See this article https://support.google.com/meet/answer/10090454?hl=en 

2. If you aren't the owner of the meeting you can reset your link in google classroom. 
1. Go to your google classroom and select the class you are having issues with. 
2. Then click on the gear in the top right corner. 
3. Scroll down to where it has your meet link. 
4. Click on it then select reset. This will generate a new link.
5. Now go back to your main classroom page by clicking on the X in the top left corner
6. Join your meet for the classroom by clicking on the link. 

Once you join the first time you are the owner of the meeting and will receive the attendance reports.
Nov 11, 2020
Our teachers are having similar issues, which I experienced myself.  Even as the first person in the Meet (right after the Google Classroom Meet link was created and that day), attendance reports are not always coming through.  We have had an additional problem, which may be related, where host controls end up switching to someone else during a Meet.
Nov 12, 2020
I have a teacher who uses the same link for multiple classes throughout the day.  We would like to receive an attendance report after each 'class', but we are only receiving one at the end of the day.  Someone also asked and I haven't seen the answer - where in Drive do the attendance records live?  It might just be a matter of checking that sheet after each class, then it adds student attendance at the end of the day after each meet.  Any help or advice would be appreciated!  Thank you!
Nov 12, 2020
I've been running into a sporadic similar problem with the Meet Attendance reports.  There have been instances in which the Meet does not generate a report for the meeting organizer after the meet has ended.  In our instance, the organizer has created the Meet from their Google Calendar to ensure that they remain the organizer and then posted that link in their Classroom.  They are not using the integrated Classroom feature to eliminate the possibility of many of the problems listed above.  

As the domain admin, when I investigate using the Meet Quality tool I can see that the organizer is the correct organizer and that person is both the first and last person in attendance.  Yet no report was generated.

Additionally, I used the email log tool to search for the generated report email and could not find any record of this report getting generated and placed into our email pipeline.  It was not sent to the organizer or any other person in the domain.

Wondering if there are any other options to look into to figure out what is happening here?
Nov 19, 2020
We are also getting reports of not getting attendance records.  

I am posting here so that I can follow.
Nov 20, 2020
I was just shown the report by another teacher in my building. I have not gotten one of those emails or reports yet.  Is there something I need to do?
Nov 20, 2020
Same thing here. no reports and the teacher is the first one in the class
Just posting that to see if there is a solution to this problem. Classes have more than 5 students.
Nov 23, 2020
I just had my first set of google meets today and I did not receive an attendance report for any of them. I am the first to enter. There are more than 5 participants. I create the meeting at meet.google.com using a nick name. Our district does have enterprise. Not sure if it is related, but last week we had the option to set backgrounds, but now its gone. Some students have the option, but I don't anymore. So weird! 

Nov 23, 2020
Just had the same situation. In my morning class, it worked perfectly. I received an email with the attendance report. However, for the afternoon class, with a different google classroom meets link (the one at the top of classroom) I did not receive an attendance report. Please advise, thanks.

Jan 7, 2021
I didn't receive my email attendance today. I am the host and in the meetings first. Unsure what happened. How can I access these reports in my drive?
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